
My friend got a speeding ticket in Arizona for going 64 in a 40 zone. What can he do to get out of it?plz help

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Tonight my friend was passing a driver who was driving badly and he got pulled over for going 64 mph in a 40 zone. The cop said that normally they'd arrest him but since he hasn't gotten a ticket in 5 years they won't. She said he will have to go to court and it is a criminal offense. They fingerprinted him too!! My friend is so worried. He has such a good job and if he has a criminal record he can lose it!

Is there anything he can do? I know a lawyer would be good but if he can't afford it, what can he do? Please help. This guy is a good driver that normally obeys laws. It's a long story why this happened, but poor guy.




  1. Sorry, but he was speeding.  He should have called the cops on the bad driver.  

    ADDED NOTE TO YOUR COMMENT:  What makes you think he can get out of the ticket?  I highly doubt if we're getting the whole story here.  You say he was doing 24 miles over the speed limit, and they finger printed him???  That just doesn't sound right.  If they didn't arrest him, what was he doing at the station getting finger printed?  A criminal record for 24 miles over the speed limit?  I don't buy it.

  2. Pay the ticket and if you want it off your record you will be paying a c**p load of money. Thats if they will allow you to take it off your record, kinda the cops choice.

  3. Yeah, yeah...heard it all before.

    Pay the fine and be done with it.

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