
My friend got caught with possession of marijuana (less than a gram!)...what is he looking at?

by  |  earlier

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..he got caught and the police took him in...they released him without bail...just want to know how much fine is looking at, and does he need a lawyer. Also, can he get away with it without hiring a lawyer??...btw its in NJ.




  1. he don't need a lawyer, i had a friend who got busted with 2 ounces and he didn't get nothing but classes, and this was like his 3rd or 4th time being busted with pot. His fine will probably be a few hundred dollars and he'll probably get some kind of probation.

  2. probably only a misdemeanor...a fine is appropriate here

  3. If he pleads guilty, he'll get Time Served, a Fine, Court Cost, and if the judge feels like it a Short Drug Program.

  4. A fine. No lawyer, he probably won't even go o court. Just plead guilty.

  5. Never ever plead guilty at arraignment, ask for a PD and get a plea deal. If he plead guilty at arraignment he will not know what the sentence will be, until he enter a plea of guilty.

    I don't care if its for a drunk in public or a serious matter never plead guilty at arraignment, always enter a NOT GUILTY at the initial stage.... Continue to research and if the evidence supports this statement 10 this way...

    Best of Luck...

  6. a little tiny fine at the most


    New Jersey state laws...

    BTW, best advice - get a lawyer. It's the best chance of getting punishment reduced or dropped.

  8. A lawyer wont do much unless he's been arrested before.  he can represent himself or be reprisented by someone provided by the courthouse for free. If this is his first charge and they ROR'ed him from jail, he could probably replace the fine w/ community service.  My first pot arrest i got 60 hours and $100 in court fees.

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