She was practicing parallel parking in a parking lot and was backing up, then moving up to get out since she didn't want to hit the cones. You know how someone is done parallel parking and they back up, they swing it in drive all the way to left? The parking lot speed limit is 10 mph. She was going the speed limit, barely moving, had her turn signal on to make a right, she didn't see anyone coming, she looked twice on her left over her shoulder, and went. This girl hits into her, and knocks off her fender bender and her headlight. My friend has a permit and is under 18, so can she still get her license? The girl who hit into her got her side of the car barely hit, able to drive home. We had to tow her car since the fender bender fell and the headlight. The cop filed a report, and didn't cite my friend or the girl who hit into her. We took pictures as well. Anyone know if she can get her license still before she's 18 since she's been in a wreck?