
My friend got raped...extremely horrible story please help?

by Guest33592  |  earlier

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so my friend goes out not sure full details of where she was but anyway her step dad starts raping her and her mother is watching ang laughing. this poor little thing is only 13 and i feel her pain cuz ive gotten raped but i didnt go through it that badly, i want to help her and support her as much as i can any ideas....and yes hopefully she will report the b*****d!




  1. I'm sorry for what has happened to you and your friend.  First of all, you are being a wonderful friend for helping her.  Even if your friend does not go to the police, you need to tell somebody for her safety. You do not need to get all of the details to tell an adult.  You can tell a teacher, an administrator, counselor, or school resource office.  You can also call the YWCA and talk to a counselor there. PLEASE TELL AN ADULT!  

    I hope that you and your friend are getting or will get some counseling. A traumatic event like effects you and you should learn some ways to help cope with it.  Good luck, hun!

  2. Tell the police before they don't have any evidence of it sorry for the both of y'all  

  3. someone has too much time on her hands.....

  4. Call the police



    send them to prison

  6. you really need to get the details and tell the cops or your parents so they can tell the cops.

    this is a horrible thing for any aged girl to go thru. i hope she does find the guts to tell someone so she can get counseling for this.

  7. omg are you serious?? when i first read this i was thinking "ya right" but Im aware that some people (parents and all) are just crazy.. My sympathy goes out to her and you.. what you should do is make a diary of what she told you.. like write it down ASAP cause when shes in court shes gonna need a witness or at least someone else who knows what happend.. and when it happend etc.. her aunt can act on that but you would be a good help as well.. or else its just her word against his.. be there for her but also keep in mind that she is going through alot and she might act differently.. dont ditch her because of that, be there for her and be a friend.. someone she can talk to when she needs too.. give her time she will come around.. wow.. i just cant believe she had to go through this.. and you as well.. i mean no child or anyone for that matter should have to go through something as tragic as rape.. thats a crime and talking to someone about what happend (therapy or councelling) will help alot..

    god bless both of you <33



  9. I'm so sorry for both of you. She should go to the police right away, her mother and step father will probably get jail time. Is their a relative she can stay with? Best of luck to her.


  10. she will not report because it is her mom most likely and you need to go ahead and tell authorities with all the details if she is not willing to... just be there for her let her cry on you listen to wat she has to say

    sorry to hear this

  11. 911 if this is true, If not true and you report it, then...You will go to jail.

  12. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING ON ANSWERS WHEN YOU SHOULD BE CALLING THE COPS: and I am somehow having a hard time believing this story, I know stuff like this happen but I just don't belive you and if its not real then you shouldn't be joking abt it

  13. Seriously you need to get all the details and go with her to the cops...

  14. you should first get details, you will need this info:Name, address and telephone number of the child and parents/ guardian.

    Child birth date or age, s*x and race

    Names and ages of other persons who live with the child and their relationship to the child.

    Whether or not there is a family member who can protect the child

    Name and address, telephone number of the suspected abuser and his/her relationship to the child

    Nature and extent of the abuse including any knowledge of prior maltreatment of the child or siblings

    Any other pertinent information

    Your name, address and phone number

    then you should report it to the police because i got raped as well and never told anyone. if u cant report it for some reason, go to or hope i helped and i hope ur friend gets a lot of support on this and that evil dissgusting step dad and mom goes to jail

  15. the guy should go to jail just comfort her and tell her it will be ok  and make sure he goes to jail and the mother should hav some consequence for just watching and laughing and doing nothing

  16. bring her to the police station and have her tell them everything. maybe have her live with you for the time being

  17. oh my god

    thats sick

    throw them in jail and let them rot

  18. go to the cops and ask your parents if maybe you could have your friend stay with you for a while this is the time to be a super amazing frined and tell the police  

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