
My friend had a top back tooth pulled last week. She said when they gave her the shot that she was in severe ?

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pain and she has had problems ever since. They pulled the tooth and the next day her face and ear was hurting where they gave her the shot. It has been a week now and she said since the 2nd day there has been this horrible smell/taste and she thinks she has a sinus infection. The side where they gave her the shot, her nose on that side has been running like a water faucet ever since. Her nose is raw from wiping it so much! What could getting that shot have done to her? What is that smell, and why is her face/sinuses hurting her so bad? I thought maybe a dry socket, but I have never heard of a running nose with a dry socket. I don't know if it could have hit a nerve or something that has caused sinus damage?? She can't go back to get looked at because it is far away from where we live. Please give me some ideas as to what could be happening and what she can do to get better?

Thank you.




  1. I'd hazard a guess at an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic. Seems to fit.

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