
My friend had her baby at 6 months he didn't make it?

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What could I say to help her through it.

Shes having a service this friday.

I have no words its so sad shes only 23 this was her first baby.




  1. That is absolutely heartbreaking! Don't say anything at all. If anything, just tell her that you are here for her, and if she needs anything to call you any time, night or day. She needs a lot of support right now, even if she says she doesn't. I can't imagine how she feels, but if I was in her shoes, I would be trying to stay strong, when I really need to break down. She may doing this too. I would check on her from time to time, even if she says no. Just be there, and make sure she knows you are there. Good luck.

  2. If she is religious she can easily accept it and know that God did this for a reason

    It is a hard moment, but always remember when your by your friends side she will always remember you for it

    You and her will be in my Prayers

    P.S I agree with Lani...that is a perfect thing to do

    when my cousins son passed away last year she planted a tree in memory of him

  3. You do not have to say anything. The important thing is that you be there for her. If she wants to talk about it, let her. If she doesn't want to, that is OK too. She will look back and remember that you stood by her and were very supportive.  

  4. --I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss.  The best thing you can do is just to be there for her.  Let her know that you may not know what she's going through, but you are there for her whenever she needs you.  Be gentle and patient with her, and let her talk whenever she's ready.

    --Maybe you can buy her a small charm with her baby's initials engraved in it, or maybe name a star after her baby so she can have a nice memorial for her child.

  5. i am sorry to hear that

    there is not much you can say

    just be there for her

    sorry again

  6. I'm so sorry for you friend's loss.  There really are no words.  At this point, the best thing you can do is to be there and listen and let her talk about it as much or as little as she needs to.  It may be hard to listen to, but this is what she will need.  Don't be offended if she pushes you away.  Just continue to offer your support.  

    One thing that will mean the world to her is to use her son's name.  When you talk about him, use his name.  He was a real person and was (is) her son.  Try to avoid saying "the baby".  

    And avoid saying the obvious things like "He's in a better place" or "You can have another one"  This is her child and he is gone.  He will never be replaced.

    If you can, consider a small gift to honor his life.  Maybe a small charm with this name and birthstone.  Anything that she can keep close to her and remember him.

    Don't expect her to "get over it" quickly.  This loss will never go away.  Being there to listen and let her grieve is the best thing you can offer.

  7. I am sorry to hear about your friends baby, I will pray for her and her family. try to take her out so that way she won't be thinking about the baby. thats what I had to do my friend

  8. I have walked in her shoes before.  There will be nothing you can say to make her feel better.  Just let her know that if she needs something to call.  She will need her space to grieve.  She has a long road in front of her.  The next year will be extremely difficult and she will have her good days and bad days.  I will be praying for her.

  9. lani said it best, honor the life of her child.  buy her a tree and help her plant it in his memory.  you could try to help her put together an album of his very short life when she feels that it is okay to do that.  but right now, just be there for anything.... God this just hurts my heart so much.  Nothing ever compares to loosing ones child!

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