
My friend had s*x??

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so my friend who is 14 and her bf had s*x .. now the dude doesnt even want to talk 2 her.. and he told his friends all about it .. so now his friends are trying to gget some... i feel really bad how can i help the situtation ?? shes really upset and if she tells her mother shes going to killl her .. her mother is really strict about s*x and bf .. helpp




  1. just tell her to stay strong and she will get through this. boys are jerks and the s*x is probably why he was with her in the first place, now that they he got he's done with her. be there for support and help her figure out how she can move on and make smarter s*x decisisons in the future. like maybe not having s*x while still in school and when she feels more prepared to handle it. she doesn't have to tell her mom since it was only once. if you ever need help with anything when it comes to s*x you can hit me up i know a lot and am always willing to help teens who have s*x, have it smarter and safer. i recommend you and your friend read the book Doing It Right Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices About s*x, it is by Bronwen Pardes. It is an excellent book about all things s*x and it is written for teens. it might help your friend and you figure out how to get through this situation in a positive light. but being strong and not letting a jerk of a boy get the best of you is always good too.

  2. She was dumb enough to spread her legs so it's her issue. Tell her from now on if she doesn't want to be called a w***e to keep her vaj to herself.

  3. Let this be a warning to you kids... keep your legs closed! I'm sorry to hear this but I don't think that there is anything that you can do about this. You friend made a poor choice and unfortunately she has to live with it. Hopefully this poor choice will not result in additional consequences like disease or unplanned pregnancy. There is nothing casual about s*x... especially as a teenager. If you haven't had s*x already... DON'T! Wait until you find that special someone and get married.

  4. Sounds like he wanted to look cool for the guys. Not much you can do....just learn from the experience. Tell the guys that she isn't putting out anymore and that he wasn't that good.

  5. You can't help.  It's not your problem.  Learn from your friend's mistake and move on.

  6. That is one of the consequences of having s*x when you are so young.  He used her.  All you can do is be her friend and be supportive.  Take this as a lesson yourself.  Don't have s*x until you are much older and able to have a mature relationship.

  7. just stay by her side wen they all come up nd be there to help her through.

    think of sum good comebacks that shud shut them all up and turn the joke to him.

    or just try to help her ignore them nd act totaly like your both to good for them.

    hope it works out =]

  8. dont tell her mum but talk to her and tell her boyfreind how stupid he is

    please answer my question

  9. Which is why kids should learn to wait, 14 is way too young to be having s*x. But i guess what happened happened. Honestly i would just be there for her like any best friend should do. The guy is quite obviously not a great guy, and she shouldn't waste time being upset over him. Sadly this isn't the first time this will probably happen to her, it happens all the time in life, no matter your age. Hard lesson to learn at such a young age, but all you can do is be there for her.

    As for her mother, she has every right to be strict, she is only 14 for crying out loud! But most kids have a perception of their parents that is far more extreme than their parents really are. Her mother loves her unconditionally, like every parent loves their child and I am sure she would be upset initially but after she calms down I'm sure she would be a good support system for your friend to turn to. She should really try talking to her mom about it.

  10. This sounds pretty typical for guys that age. You and your friend need to both remember guys this age have only one goal, to get laid. They will tell you anything and everything to make it happen. Don't be naive and believe anything they say. For girls it is about emotions, dating, having fun together, etc. For guys it is purely sexual. Learn from the mistake and consider yourselves lucky that it was only that bad. You guys are young enough it wont really damage her reputation for long. My recomendation is accuse him of lying about the s*x. Its his word against hers.

  11. keep your legs closed

  12. All you can really do right now is be there for her. Make sure she knows that you're there for her. It might be scary, but she really needs to talk to her mom because she needs start going to  the doctor. Just help her through it.
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