
My friend has 7000 neg on her horse?

by  |  earlier

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and someone who is very experienced and loves him said they can pay 5500 for him. should she take it. they seem quite good people and knowledgeable.




  1. It is way better for a horse to go to knowledgeable people who will pay less, then to go to unlikeable people who will pay more.  With the horse economy in a slump right now, I think that your friend should take the offer.

  2. I would take the $5, never know what could happen to your horse while you wait for someone to pay the $7,000 (my horse died)

  3. To me, a great home is worth WAY more than money...

  4. id go for it, 5500 is alot at this point,

    but suggest that in the contract write that she gets first offer if hes ever for sale again, (and can help facilitate the sale) so that he doesn't end up in a sketchy sale situation...

  5. If it were my horse I would take since they love her horse. But, if you are wondering if she is worth more it depends if she is trained and tolerent if she can jump, barrels, pole bendin, etc.

  6. Think of it this way...if the horse DOESN'T sell (quite likely with the ecnomic climate as someone else said), it won't take long to rack up the $1,500 difference in maintenance costs anyway, and you're back to where you started (or worse).

    Take it, if it's a good home and more than she paid anyway, take it.

  7. With the economy the way it is right now and the fact that they seem to be knowledgeable then I would take it.

    Hay isn't getting cheaper and at this point I need to take on another job just to feed the horses and see them less but at least they are in a happy home and well fed.

  8. With the economy the way it is, I say TAKE IT.

    It's likely that your friend may not even get another interested buyer for quite some time and prices for gas and hay are only going up. If the horse is going to get a good home for a little less than the asking price, I'd say it's worth it.

  9. yes you should that is a good price and a good home even better

  10. I agree - take it.  The horse market is sinking fast - although, the people that have $5000+ to spend on a horse aren't affected as much as the people that can only normally spend $500.  Usually if they're spending that much, they'll provide good boarding facilities and vet care.  It might be a good idea to call and check vet references and see the place where he'd be living - but I say definately take it.  Otherwise, she can always counter offer and say $6250 - and they can come back and say 5750 and they could settle on 6000.  But, I say - dont' let the people walk away!  Best wishes!

  11. Take it, as that is a lot of money for any horse right now!

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