
My friend has a chronic hair can I help her?

by  |  earlier

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She's a GINGER!!

I really feel sorry for her, what can I do to help??




  1. lol. Maybe auburn tones will enhance it..... Hey Joanne I see you at last! ....:)

  2. get her drunk and shave it all off including the eyebrows, she'll thank you for it. !

    eventually    lol x

  3. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

    Be a lover Kat not a hater

  4. Kat I've heard she's 6ft 3" I'd shut yer gob if I were you ;-)

    EDIT-I'm para now...I use the word 'fab'. I'm just being ironic though..

  5. Wow!...I pity your friend!  GINGER is so difficult a colour to deal with...I suggest she/he stays indoors and close all curtains.....

  6. Thems the breaks.

    She will be victimised and bullied anyway without us adding to it. Look what happened to these poor gwar fuckers:-

  7. That's a shame counsel her for at least 2 minutes ,And tell her to always wear a hat

  8. gingers rock,  

  9. That's called 'discrimination'

    Read up on it.

  10. sorry kat, just let the whinger ginger chav

    get on with it, please,,,, don't get involved :)

  11. Your friend GC needs to learn to love and respect herself.

  12. head hairs ok...but id say dye her nether regions..or go for a Hollywood!!!

  13. Get her a new friend!!!

  14. I'm starring this, and i hope Snizz sees it! lol


    Actually I think she looks FAB on that picture.

    I paid out shedloads of money to be "auburn" all through my twenties.

  16. i dunno find her a new mate so she can get rid of u!! and buy her some hairdye btw i love red hair but hey thats just me  

  17. Don`t be rude Kat. Lol. She looks very stylish in that photo. And has she got Pink standing next to her.

    I think she`s being very brave putting a photo up, or does she think the Suggestions lot have all gone to bed by now :)

    Edit - She`s showing off now. She`s ginger and proud.

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