
My friend has a daughter who is mentally <span title="retarted-educated(infatuation),how">retarted-educated(infatua...</span> to counsel and show a better life.

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My friend's daughter is educated, and employed, but does not know what is good for her and for the family, she is infaatuated by a colleague of hers who is below her cadre in all aspects, social, economic,and age, employment. but still she is stubborn, how to counsel her back into the main stream of understanding and analysis.




  1. do you live in the dark ages we no longer call it &#039;retarded&#039; they are individuals with special needs.

  2. Are you saying she is retarded for liking someone that is in your eyes &quot;less than perfect&quot;?  You said she is educated and employed, she can probably make decisions for herself without your help.  If this other person makes her happy, then her family and friends should be happy for her.  We learn something from every relationship we are in, let her learn her own lessons in life.  It doesn&#039;t mean she will marry him, but she obviously sees something good in him that you don&#039;t, maybe you should open your eyes and see the good in this other person, too.

    PS/As someone with a &quot;mentally handicapped&quot; brother, please refrain from using the word &quot;retarded&quot;, it is quite the insult.

  3. Leave this problem to your friend. He knows how to deal with her daughter. Why are you so much interested with the daughter of your friend?! when this is not your responsibility and jurisdiction?

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