
My friend has a new bike?

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my friend has got a bike of off there setp mums old friend and it is not the best bike ever but it will do .

my friend is scared of what people might think.

can u help?




  1. In this life you can either be scared of what people think, or make your way in life.

    People who worry about what other people think are also called losers.

  2. FIRST learn how to spell, SECOND learn grammar.☼

  3. just ignore them and dont care what people think.

  4. Fix it up, customize it. The more she "owns" it the happier she'll be with it. She needs to put her stamp on it. Put stickers from her favorite band on it, paint it (as mentioned earlier), reupholster the seat, whatever, just have fun with it!

  5. Scared?   Perhaps worried or anxious, but how can you be scared?  Ride the bike already ...

  6. Customise the bike as below.  Also note that your friend will be faster, fitter and more toned when she has a bike, no matter what it looks like.  Consider that if stonewashed, ripped jeans are cooler than new shiny jeans, a beaten-up bike might be cooler than a new one.

    Customising on a budget:

    I put black and yellow insulation tape around my bike - bar ends, frame, down-tube etc. I also put small pieces of reflective tape wherever I could on the frame. Both of these features were

    1) cheap

    2) looked quite cool

    3) acted as a warning to people and made me more noticable on the roads

    4) lasted for a long time

    5) could easily be removed if I got fed up with it.

    Insulation tape is cheap as chips and can be found in any shop that sells tools, electrical bits and bobs and so on. Reflective tape is around in most bike shops.

  7. Forget people thought! Just enjoy the bike and the ride.

    Enjoy touching it up to your and your friends taste: spray paint, decays, ribbons, etc.

    Just enjoy!

  8. Classic problem love, there is an old saying that a first class walk is beaten by a second class ride.

    But if you are young thats not going to cut much ice. Can you jazz it up with stickers or spray paint?

    you can turn things around with a bit of luck. My first bike had no pedals, but that was just post war and money was scarce

    If you are a real friend then your input will count a lot, so be honest but helpful

  9. Can I see a picture of it?

    And to be honest, nobody pays any attention to the bicycle you ride. While I was mocked as a child for riding my sister's purple bike, I now see other people doing that and getting away with it. I have lots of bicycles, all of them quite unusual, and I've never had any hassle.

  10. Just tell him if people say ahhh wat a rubbish bike just tell him to say that he doesn't mind and he is greatful for it

  11. It's just a bike, not a reflection of one's worth or character.  I've seen some incredible bikes ridden by complete jerks.  I'd rather share the road with a friendly cyclist on a beater than a d-bag on a Cervelo.

    Since she's your friend, take some rides with her until she realizes that others aren't concerned what she's riding.  Once she's past her self-conciousness, she'll just enjoy riding.

    Gotta disagree with one reply here.  Being overly concerned with what others think does not a loser make.  Maybe he's just having a bad day.

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