
My friend has a small p***s how does he get it fixed? Does he need to talk to his dad or doctor about surgery?

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My friend has a small p***s how does he get it fixed? Does he need to talk to his dad or doctor about surgery?




  1. I told my friend to keep pulling on it and it'll grow.

  2. well your friend should realise that it is normal, talk to a doctor if it's completely small, like below an inch erect, otherwise it is cool.

  3. your friend? lol,you don't have to lie, no one here even knows you.

  4. we al lknow you are not asking for ur old are you? it will get bigger,  and how old r u?

  5. your friendd


  6. lol how old is ur "friend" and if hes younger than 18 (becuzz he has to talk to his dad) why should he be worried about this anyway? he still has time to grow

  7. LET IT BE

  8. it will get bigger dont worry and how old r u

  9. its genetics really if your dad has a small one u will to but dont worry he got some otherwise u would knot have been born lol

  10. What do you mean "get it fixed"? It ain't screwed up.

    How old is your friend?

    And why would he need surgery?

  11. It's normal.

  12. If he ever wants a bigger p***s he will have to talk to someone about surgery its the only way.

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