
My friend has a two month old Chihuahua and is concerned that she has soft runny stool. Is this okay?

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My friend has a two month old Chihuahua and is concerned that she has soft runny stool. Is this okay?




  1. No its not ok, he needs to take it to the vet.  He should take it to the vet anyway at that age.

  2. Just be careful of what you feed her for the next few days, no human food, no treats, just the regular dry food and not a lot of it. However, if the runny stool keeps on going even after a few days, your friend should take her to the vet to be safe. If it's a new puppy that your friend has just bought, it may be just nervous and that's why it has diarrhea

  3. We need more info here. Has the Chi just been brought home? Has there been a recent change in food? Has the pup been to the vets recently? How long has she had soft runny stool for?

    It is a two way street here, if the pup has had soft runny stool for a few weeks, there's cause for concern, if it's just been a couple days I wouldn't worry so much. Either way, its a good idea for her to call the vet and see what they have to say.

  4. Is it okay that she be concerned?   YES, of course it is!

    Should it be checked?  YES.

  5. Not okay.

    Get it to the vet ASAP before it gets hypoglycemic and dehydrated.  

  6. No, I believe your dog has diarrhoea. Be careful of what you feed your dog over the next couple of days. Avoid treats.

  7. Make an appointment with the vet asap.  Before you go, get a fresh (as possible) stool sample from the pup so the vet can check it for worms, coccidia and giardia.  

    Here is a site to give you a quick overview explaining coccidia and giardia.

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