
My friend has an autistic son .....?

by  |  earlier

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and we were having a conversation the other night and she told me that she believed justin timberlake had a mild form of autism. at first i thought she was just teasing me because she knows I love him to death. but she is actually serious all she said was the way he behaves in some interviews and videos he shows autistic symptoms. Especially the AH interview in feb. so anywayz i beleive he is just hyper and a tad childish at times but in no way autistic. Does anyone have an opinion on this or any facts on autism to help me with this id really appreciate it. please dont respond cruel , thanks




  1. Hang out in the autism circles and soon you will hear that everyone almost has a mild form of, a touch of, a sign of autism. I am pretty convinced after hanging out with this group for some many years that I have some autistic tendency.. actually if you look at it that way you could find tendencies or signs of autism in almost any person at all that is why you have to have to a certain degree or level impairment to be considered to have autism as a disability. I am sure Justin has some tendencies like we all do.

  2. Justin Timberlake does not have autism. Maybe ADD or ADHD but not autism.

    My major is speech path. We talk about autism all the time. He doesn't have any signs of it.

  3. I'm a special education teacher and I don't know if Justin Timberlake is a high functioning autistic person.  I don't think we'll ever know, however, autism is a spectrum disorder.  You can find additional "symptoms" in The DSM IV.  People can be diagnosed anywhere on the spectrum (from PDD- Pervasive Developmental Disorder to Severely Autistic).  Only a Medical Doctor or a Clinical Psychologist can diagnose a person with this disorder.  In my experience, many people can have "quirky" behavior, but not have a diagnosis.  Good Luck!

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