
My friend has an electric shower, how is that possible? Surely he must get electrocuted everytime he uses it??

by  |  earlier

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hey jesus it's true... look it up!!!




  1. Don't laugh, you! In Bolivia (for realz) the water is heated in a 220 volt shower head. If you touch it when wet you die. The secret is, and I am totally serious about this: don't touch it when showering.

  2. Electricity and water do not mix.  If it malfunctions you may have to go to a funeral.

  3. I've seen those used in Costa Rica. The shower water heats up only as you need it. It did worry me that it might short-circuit and eletrocute any one who tried to use it. It's sort of like the hot water in a coffee maker. The water heats as it runs through the mechanism.

  4. I too have an electric shower.I would get a shock if the b*****d thing actually worked for a change.

  5. Insulation is the key.  I'm sure it is grounded and all sorts of good stuff.  If he or anyone else were to get electrocuted, they wouldn't be on the market.

  6. You mean the same way your car explodes when you put gas in it and ignite it?

    Opposing elements don't always **** with eachother, incase you didnt know, almost everything you use is from opposing forces.

    Freezers are another example, so is table salt.

  7. Well how else do you think he gets that blue crop of hair to stand up so perfectly?  Real men don't use hair gel!

  8. wow your clever

  9. LOL hey thats the only way I can wake up in the morning!

  10. Its a great way to kick start the day...

  11. Yeah, I use it everyday.

    Mixing water with electricity holds no fears for me!

    I'm serious, I genuinely do have an electric shower.

  12. Wow, do they come in double shower heads...

    shower with a friend and save time and water.... ahhh maybe not, could take longer.... ;)

  13. must really be bored, go outside and play!

  14. Lots of people have electric instead of gas water heaters. It just wastes a lot of energy.

  15. crying laughing :)

  16. no comment  

  17. Is her hair big and frizzy?

  18. hahaha thats funny


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