
My friend has been dating a guy for 5 mos and they moved in at 3 and they are supposedly getting married but ?

by Guest66901  |  earlier

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he hasn't proposed to her and got this poor girl looking around at wedding halls....mean while he is controlling and alienates her from everyone...even her own mom. Not to mention he is about 25 and has a 1yr old with another woman....IMO my friend is a complete fool. He is not a good father to his son....sees him maybe 2x a month and he is supposedly in love but then he tries to control her life and $$....what will come of this relationship?




  1. If he moves fast, he'll have her before she knows what hit her. And if he is as controlling as you think he eventually will.

  2. she needs to leave him. she is going to get hurt if she doesnt.

  3. she's not very smart.   she'll learn.  you can't change her.  try to talk some sense into her, but i doubt she'll listen.  she'll figure it out when he knocks her up in month 8, and leaves her in month 10.

  4. I have a friend that just got out of a relationship like that. I tried to tell her that being with a guy like that probably wasn't a good idea know one should feel like they can't be around there friends and family. I dunno a lot of the time it takes the person in the relationship getting pushed to far to realize they need to move on

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