
My friend has been having affair with my husband ?

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my friend has been having a affair with my boyfriend and now she wants me to forgive her should i? also the affair has been going on for 5 months after he proposed to me




  1. I would make them both history. You don't need people like that in your life.

  2. forgive, yes. But choosing to let them remain in your life, no. Both cheated you out!!

  3. No, don't forgive. Still have her in your life if you must, treat her the same if you feel you don't want to lose her, but never forgive or forget. If I were in your shoes I would absolutely cut off contact. No matter how bad it makes you feel to drop her, she does not deserve your mercy. If you take her back it will make her think that she got away with it, and she may do it again. Whatever you do, keep an eye out for her -- it would pay to be cautious/suspicious in future.

  4. Get rid of them both, if she could do that shes no friend of yours, you'll always have to watch your back where shes concerned.  Why are you still with your boyfriend?  Once a liar and cheat always a liar and cheat.  He wont change.  Youve been put through h**l by the two people who are supposed to love you.  Stuff them and get on with your life. You deserve way better.

  5. No you do not forgive her.....she broke the ultimate friend rule. She will do it again.

    Boyfriends come and go but friends are supposed to be forever.

  6. You should not forgive her what she did was wrong. If you forgive her she will do it again, since she has been doing it for 5 years.You should get both of them out of your life, you are better off without people like that.

  7. Both your boyfriend and your friend are guilty. Yes you should forgive her. Do it for you dear because if you keep unforgiveness in you heart, it will destroy you. The end result of unforgivness is hatred in most cases. These feelings are poisons for you soul. But you should stop considering her as your friend, she did not think about you when she slept with your boyfriend. She had no concern for you, for your feelings and if you did not discover about their relationship, for how long they would have cheated on you? As a friend she has failed miserably

  8. Dont forgive...but forget... and let these two cheaters be with each other..soon they will cheat they will make a good pair.. Get out of this mess...Life is meant for better things and to spend time with better people.

  9. I wouldn't marry him. If he does it before you get married how can you trust him when you do.

    Can you afford asking yourself where is he every time he is late from work or the gym, or the store?

    If he cheats once is hard to forget if ever. What about a 5 month relationship. No way.

    I don't think i will be able to look at him the same way.

    But people are different. If you can forgive him some day...? Try counseling. It might be helpful.

    Here is a website that you can take a look at if you want to:

  10. No you should not.  They don't care nor love you and this is something you won't be able to put behind you.  Leave them be, let them go.  You deserve better.

  11. u should cut ties with them both, they both betrayed u.

  12. they have both been disrespectful to you....not once....but for 5 whole months....seeing you all the time and being decietful, lying, untrustworthy, can you even consider forgiving either one of them? They dont deserve to be forgiven for this ultimate betrayal.    good luck  :  )

  13. Only you can decide if you can forgive her and WAIT how about him?  Did he ask for your forgiveness also. I tell you what i would do.. i would not have a relationship with either of them again... good luck and I am very sorry that you were betrayed doubly.

  14. Forgive her for what exactly? I fail to see the problem here. She cheated with your boyfriend knowing full well that he was with you. And for 5 months. There is nothing to forgive.

    I would of gotten rid of both those creeps..

  15. This happened to me a long time ago. My husband broke down one day and told me about it. He cried said he was sorry. I wanted to kill them both..any way I forgive him dumped her and we stayed married 28 years until he yes id forgive him not her

  16. no dont forgive her

    five months is along time you would be stupid to forgive her just make them both history

  17. With friends like this who needs enemies?? And you accepted his proposal knowing about this? And you are still engaged? I think you have some serious issues here - starting with your own low self-esteem. Do they realize that you know about them? YOu really need to face this issue, confront both of them, get them way out of your life, & move on. It will hurt for a while - but doesn't it hurt every day now? Don't you cry wondering where they are & what they're doing together, especially when he should be with you? Betrayal is one of the most painful things that can happen to you - and you've been hurt twice as bad. Find a new friend or family member to support you - move on. In the long run, you will be much happier.

  18. Get rid of the boyfriend and the friend.  She want's you to forgive her, for what?  She was never your friend in the first place and he he never cared about you to do that.  I don't care who came on to who first it was dead wrong and you don't need either one of them in your life.  If you forgave her and stayed with him,  everyday you would wonder if it would havppen again and how would you feel whenever you 3 were in each other's presence,  I think there would be many awkward moments. Dump both of them please.  It will be best for you in the long run.

  19. HI,

    They are History


  20. no you dont forgive her, she was not a real friend to do this to you nor should you forgive him, let them be and free your self to mover on and find someone who will be faithfull to you

  21. friend, you have 2 people "close" to you who are not good for you.  They don't care about your feelings or your welfare.  Forget about forgiveness here and begin to wonder how these 2 came to be in your life.  Do you trust other people too quickly?  Trust has to be Earned in a relationship-- I think you should part ways with these 2 people and in future consider how trustworthy people are before you let them close to you.

  22. get them both out your life

  23. Is this your husband or your boyfriend because you used both forms?  If it is your boyfriend  I would get rid of him because he will do it again and you do not want to be with someone who is cheating on you already and you 2 have not gotten married and he chose to cheat with someone close to your heart.  

  24. if he is your boyfriend dump him and never trust your friend again.

    if he is your husband dont forgive her and tell her you never want to see her again and i cant say what to do about your husband. I dont know if you should forgive him or not. I probably couldn't.


  26. forgive h**l, join them

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