
My friend has been taking the drug SPEED every day for the last 4 years?

by Guest56584  |  earlier

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what problems can he expect??




  1. Might want to slow down. Could have a heart attack.

  2. Heart attack

    Panic attacks


    sleep disturbances

    broken bones (osteoporosis)

    hair loss

    rotten teeth

    damaged lungs or sinuses (depending if he smokes or snorts)

    bad skin

    bad choices

    loss of friends

    loss of life

    loss of good looks..anyone ever notice that no matter how good looking the person is, after they start doing speed they look nasty?

    There are many other side effects, none of them good!

    I feel really sorry for people who were ugly to begin with because it's not making them any better looking! Ever see before and after pictures of meth addicts? YIKES! Hope this helps, I would either tell your friend to get help or else look for some new friends. This is really BAD stuff. People who do it will lie, cheat and steal. It's a really evil drug that brings out the worst in people. Good luck to you and your friend.

  3. dump him. its a drug and your going to get in trouble being around him.  

  4. the septum in your nose collapses eventualy and u need surgery to correct it

  5. Paranoia, drug psychosis, schizophrenia, are all probs that could be caused by speed,

    People do no expect to hear that but these kinda drugs cause chemical imbalances in your brain that can never be rectified.

    is your friend ok?  

  6. Bad teeth and nails.

    If he doesn't slow down a little, his heart will start to suffer as well.

  7. I know of a neighbour whose daughter took speed. She died of a massive cerebral haemorhage and she was just 19. Speed and cocaine are two of the nastiest drugs around..

  8. I friend i know takes speed. Not everyday she was in a Life threating condition from taking in three times.

    I think you've lied about " he takes speed everyday "

    It's very likely she would of passed away about a year ago .

    Because of an overdose & Simply the Heart can stop any minute any day are else he'll turn into a vegetable.

  9. Nothing but bad. Get your friend to rehab unless you want his next party to be a funeral.

  10. death?

  11. Higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

    Lower immune system

    upper respiratoy infections

    bad skin

    bad teeth


  12. Brain damage.

    Heart attacks.




    'Nuff said.

  13. he could die any get him to see a doctor o something, tell him/her your worried.

  14. very bad heart conditions. he might want to stop

  15. very bad heart conditions!!!!!!!  

  16. Heart problems

    teeth getting buggered

    paranoia/mental problems

    all the extra problems associated with lack of nutrition

  17. you might want to mention death as a possible side effect?... drugs councillors can help.  

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