
My friend has chickens (hens) and I was surprised when the chicken is able to produce colorful eggs...?

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They lay colorful pastel eggs, like sky blue, peach, turquoise, and else... Is there any coloring agents or sumthing involved??




  1. Last I heard the easter bunny and the chickens were boycotting the egg coloring company's for their excessive use of vinegar...

    something about the smell..

  2. i forget the name but i think that there is a breed that does this.  ask your friend what kind they are.

  3. No, it's normal for the breed. Breeds that lay brown eggs will sometimes lay lighter, peach-colored eggs, and breeds like Araucanas and Americanas lay greenish-colored eggs that range in hue from olive green to turquoise to sky blue. I used to have some of those, and all my friends were shocked! A lot of them thought I'd snuck those eggs in beforehand as a joke. XD

  4. Yeah that's normal for certain breeds to lay colored eggs. I have Call ducks and they lay bluish, peachy and greenish colored eggs. I think its because of the natural diet they are on and what they eat.

  5. There are no chemicals involved. It's the breed. I have Ameracaunas and they lay anywhere from a light blue to an olivey green and every shade in between.

  6. That chicken is cool.

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