
My friend has just setup a clothing can she raise the hits to her site without spending more money

by  |  earlier

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she has no ads yet, but she needs help coz shes got some realy unique stuff, and she spent so much setting it up and got all the stock.




  1. Go round forums on the same subject and find their showcase a website or project section and make a topic there. Alternatively make bulletins on MySpace and add lots of friends to make everyone aware of it. Make a group on Facebook and invite lots of people to join. It's easy to get known it just might take a while.

  2. she can email the link to all her friends asking them to click in or put it on a blog or facebook/bebo profile, also asking her friends to click. By the way....I clicked

  3. advertise it on another website

  4. I recommend advertising using Affiliate Window as it can pay up to £70 per lead (Someone that clicks the link on her site and signs up)

    Link here:

    Theres a lot of help for setting up a website here:

  5. There are 3 best OnLINE Ways for Online Pormotion

    1- classifieds ads

    Its advanatages:_

    1- easy to use


    3-You can segment customers by locations

    4-serves as online magazine & Thousands of customers Use it

    2-Paid to click programs Are the best Source of promotion

    But it needs someinvestement But it has a lot of advantages

    1- You can specify Your daily Budget.

    2-You pay only when users click Your ads.

    3-Your ads appears In googleresults

    If You want the best program to let You appear In googleYou willneed to use googleadvertising

    go to my blog here :_ Http://

    & Simply Press On google targeted Promotion On the left

    The 3rd effective promotion Is linkexchange

    Go to my blog

    You gonna find a lot of info on these programs & Blends of free & paid promotion .......

  6. A few things she can do

    1. On page search engine optimization [ tips at ]

    2. Increase backlinks to her site [ Free methods at ]

    3. Article Marketing [ ]

    All free methods, all quite effective

  7. has a great program.  Tell her to check out their "submit Your Link" page and read the part about their newsletters.  I got some great traffic off of this for my products and I didn't have to waste any time because only people who were interested in my product clicked on my link.  Hope this helps.

  8.   If she belonge to other sites, ask the sites administrator if it is ok for her to make a post about her site? Most administrators will agree to this so long as she doens't start using their sites as an advertisement forum. Blogs, chat rooms, and etc are good places to get the word out also.


  9. You can promote your clothing label at myspace and facebook..and you can try to advertise at high traffic classified.try to advertise at this website

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