
My friend has really bad breath?

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How do you tell your best friend that she has really bad breath? This has been an ongoing problem for several weeks and at times it has made me nausea. I don't want to embarrass her and I want to keep her as a friend.....please help!




  1. Tell her.

    But if you don't want to do that, than take a piece of gum or a mint and casually offer her one.

  2. I once dated someone whose breath always smelled like cat pee.  It was terrible!  So do every potential boyfriend a favor and just break it to her gently!  Tell her that you care about her a lot and you don't wanna hurt her feelings but that her breath hasn't been smelling too great recently.  Don't make fun of her or say anything [else] that could be considered insulting.

  3. Be a friend and buy her some gum..but give it to her in a non-obvious way.

  4. Slip a mint into her hand in the hall with a note attached saying hi or something, and maybe she'll catch on, and maybe if she doesn't just say it nicely, try mint or gum first.

  5. Maybe she is eating a lot of garlic or spices of some kind...this is a hard issue..Why don't you ask her to sleep over...and see what she does for oral hygiene...then show her what you do and say you always make sure you mouth is minty in case a cool guy shows up. Show her how you brush, floss and rinse with mouth wash..

  6. Wow, thats bad if it made you nauseated. I would ask her if she might have a cavity or something because lately her breath has smelled different. You dont have to necessarily tell her it stinks, but in a concerned way.

  7. throw breath mints at her she will get the hint.

  8. Just tell her.  You are your friend and if you tell her she can take care of it so she doesn't embarrass herself anymore.

  9. my them gum or tictacs as a gift!

  10. If they are your best friend you should be able to tell them anything...just be blunt, like , " got some nasty breath fo rheaaal!"  They may get butt hurt but I guarantee you they will go brush they d**n teeth

  11. You could do that thing they do on the commercials where you put the gum in her face and say "Seriously"

  12. I would just tell her its better that it comes from you then someone who she likes or something.;...

  13. being honest is being a true friend. try to put your shoe in the shoe of your friend. sometimes a friend needs the honesty, concern and kindness of a friend or someone close to them.

    you can tell your friend honestly and in a nice way that you are concern about his or her health. better tell your friend private. even if it hurts, you must tell him in order to save him from future embarrassment.

    since bad breath cause comes many, it is best that you recommend him to use an all natural oral care product. or you can tell him to go to a nearby dentist to detect the cause of it and to be able to get the appropriate treatment.

    proper hygiene is important in taking good care of oral health. visit for more helpful tips in getting rid of bad breath.

  14. offer gum

  15. Just tell her easily & if you offer her mints and gum a lot I think she'll get the picture.

  16. eww, just tell her that no offence when the last time you had dentist check,..

  17. I have had the same problem only with my fiance.  I just asked him once if he was sick and had a soar throat because I noticed his breath wasn't fresh and smelled like he was sick.  He said no but that he must have a lot of bacteria in there and he started using mouthwash more.  

    Sometimes being straight forward could be hurtful, but it is hurting her more by not telling her, bad breath can make or break deals in my opinion.  Just tell her, or find a subtle way to tell her like I did.

    You could also be like, omg, I have a horrible taste in my mouth, I need to buy mints or something, do you ever have that problem?  

  18. Just tell her; I'm sure she is not aware of this; and would appreciate being told; rather than have everyone avoid her as a result of her bad breath... Just be tactful though.

  19. Bring Mints 2 school and be like hey you want one?

  20. Don't.

    Carry gum around and offer it to her everyday.

  21. Don't do it in public. Do it in private. Kind of hint it to her at first and then just be like "you know i love you right? you know we're best friends right? you know best friends tell the truth to each other right......?" whisper it to her, it will affect her less than like yelling it at her or just saying it sternly.

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