
My friend invited me for lunch and a presentation for WorldVentures. Does it work or is it a waste of time?

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My friend invited me for lunch and a presentation for WorldVentures. Does it work or is it a waste of time?




  1. It's a business venture, it only works if you make it work.  It's a good opportunity, if you like what they have to say, then get started.  I know a lot of people who have home based businesses that do very well, WorldVentures is one of them.  I also know people who did not do very well in business.  Not everyone is meant for business, that's why not everyone has a successful business or a business at all.  Like I said, it has an incredible opportunity, but only if you capitalize on it then it wouldn't be a waste of time.  Before venturing into any business I would suggest you take a look at this article that will give you a lot of insight on how home based businesses work. What's involved and what would be expected in order to have a successful home based business

  2. It's a recruiting pyramid. Sounds like Mary Kay with a passport.

    This guy did the math and worked out that even in a good scenario you'd end up about $130 in the hole after six months.

    Get the free lunch, but don't sign up for anything.

  3. absolutely you will need to recruit people in your downline in order to make money or credits. This is why your friend is targeting you, they always target friends and family. I am not saying it's bad, but a lot harder than other online ventures.

    Internet or Affiliate marketing is better option, you promote other people's products and services and earn commission when they buy thru your link. The start up cost is zero, since you can use free services and you can promote things you like.

    Learn how to make money and work from home using Wealthy Affiliate-The only online community for Marketers.

    Before you knock it check it out...

    hope this helps


  4. probably another MLM like Amway, Primerica, Shaklee et al. you'll probably have to recruit people and bother your friends to buy stuff they really don;t need, alienating them in the process

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