
My friend invited me to go to a Resort in Mexico, but I don't think I want to go because...?

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Okay, so I am not fat, but I am not skinny, I'm maybe 30 pounds over wieght, I weigh 140 lbs. But, I am VERY self concious and my best friends brother makes me feel even worse about myself. I want to go to the resort, but there are a lot of beaches out there.




  1. if you dont like ur weight that much and i dont like mine either im about 15lb over weight but anyways u should get a tankini that cover ur stomach.

  2. Get over it. I know weight can be a huge issue in your eyes, but it is not worth stopping you from doing something that might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. The brother needs to get over himself if you ask me, and remember their will always be people in this world who want to make you feel worse because they are jealous. and who ever said 140 pounds is overweight. No matter how tall you are, 140 pounds is not that overweight at all!

  3. go . . . cuz if u dont go . . . ull regret it . . . ur wieght shouldnt stop u from having fun

  4. just go girl!

    itll be fun!!

    and make fun of that guy back!!if he knows you dont like it then attack him at something hes ashamed of!!h**l know how it feels then!

  5. Go. Everyone has something on their body that their not proud about. You can wear a takini to cover up your body but still look cute. You would be a fool to turn up a vacation in Mexico. So say yes and have fun.

  6. dont go to mexico anyway it is the worst place in the world and it is really touristy

  7. I wish I was 140 pounds again.  Just go.  If you have to wear a t shirt over your swimsuit then that's fine.  If he invited you I'm sure he already considered how you will look in a bathing suit and obviously he wouldn't mind seeing it or he wouldn't have invited you.

  8. argh.  What the heck!  Do you the very first thing men notice with women?  Self confidence!!

    You can take two women, put them in the same bikini and have one sized what everyone thinks is perfect....but with low self esteem, and the other 30 pounds heavier but with loads of self esteem and personality, and they guys ALWAYS pick the confident one.  The girl with more weight does not give  a hoot about how she looks compared to the "perfect size" and is there to have fun and enjoy herself.  That pretty well exudes off of her, and they guys sense it and flock about.  

    Do you have any idea what type of guys you attract when you have low self esteem too?  Um, its usually guys like your best friends brother!!  lol.  Oh my god.  When you get to my will laugh at yourself because its so obvious!

    My Tip:  Try being super confident one day.  Wear your suit and pretend to be a really famous movie star or something.  Strut yourself and play sports on the beach and swim and flirt around.  You will be shocked at how wonderful of a day you have!

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