
My friend is 14 years old, and hasn't ever had a girlfriend. I need some help, can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, I think he is either a homosexual or he is traumatized by something. No, I actually just think that he's too "Brutal" and "Mean" to everybody and everything he sees. He needs to learn to have respect for everybody, especially girls. He said, "I do have respect for girls"

Alright, He's never..

1. Kissed a Girl

2. Hugged a Girl

3. Made out with a Girl

4. Had a girlfriend

Can anybody help me and my possibly g*y friend. I want to get rid of his faggotry, and maybe give him a chance at love (and s**y-time) with an 8 year old girl. (Just kidding about the last part)




  1. "faggotry"? that's quite offensive.

  2.      Just because your friend have not ever had a girlfriend, it doesn't mean that something is wrong with him, he is only 14 years old. He  is at the age where he is finding out just who he is. Once he discovers who he is, he will then find out what he wants and likes in a girl. In my opinion he is not ready to get involved with girls, he has a lot of growing up to do. Stop worrying , everyone doesn't grow up at the same pace.

  3. give me his e-mail and urs and maybe i can change him i am 13 and need a bf so e-mail me plz and i am not stuck up i am pretty and am a good kisser

  4. make him talk to girls

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