
My friend is 19 years old and lives in wisconsin and has to pay 1600 for seizure medication, has no insurance?

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she suffers from seizures and needs medication, but because she isnt in school anymore she her parents plan wont cover her. is there any aid she can recieve for this? anything she can do?




  1. If all else fails, then apply for public assistance.  It is there for those who really need it, not for those that abuse the system.

  2. I have to disagree with car253.

    Public assistance is there to help people, but they typically only help those who abuse their privilege's and don't really need it.

    I know from my personal experience.. I have a medical condition that I have to take 2 different medications 3 times a day and a 3rd medication 1 time a day.  Not only medication is what I needed assistance with... I needed help also with my doctors visits which I HAVE to go to every 3 months AND blood-work that has to be done every 3 months as well.  

    I feel the "system for public assistance" is b.s. and is NOT there to really help those who need it BECAUSE of all those that abuse it!!!

    Anyway....sorry about that because the system really makes me mad, BUT the best help that I was able to get for my medications at least is from contacting the manufacturer of the medication directly. I am taking anti-seizure medication and was able to get help from the manufacturer.  

  3. She should contact pharmaceutical companies.  Some of them will actually give a person free meds for awhile or at least offer some assistance.  She should also ask her doctor to prescribe another med that does the same as the current one she that is cheaper and/or generic.  

  4. One of my friend asked me a  similiar question before,we found helpful luck here.

  5. Get your friend to go on line to the drug makers site.  Many drug company's offer programs for people that are uninsured.  She may have to complete a few forms and prove income and such but it could be worth it.  She could also see if there is a Docs office that basis their charges on ability to pay.  Many of these offices offer discounted med programs as well.

    Good luck!



  6. nora, Life insurance covers lots of different things. Since I'm from Maine I'm not familiar with the Wisconsin regulations, so I suggest you call a nearby life insurance agent. They should be able to help you.

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