
My friend is 8 weeks pregnant.?

by  |  earlier

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she saw an ultrasound a few days ago, and the heart was beating very healthy. she just had some bleeding, though, today..about as much as during a period....she went to see the doctor, but, is this normal? or is this how a miscarriage starts?




  1. tell her to request another ultra sound at the hospital its the only way to be sure at 8 weeks tell her good luck  

  2. It doesn't sound good to me... Good thing she went to see her doctor.  I hope everything works out for your friend.  Keep us posted.

  3. She needs to see the doctor. I have heard of a few spots in normal, but when it is as heavy as a normal period, it could be a sign of miscarriage :(  no time to wait, tell her to go now!

    good luck

  4. I have heard some women can get there period while they are pregnant. But there is the posibility it could be a miscarriage as well. They will probably do an ultrasound on her to see what all is going on. Good Luck to your friend. I hope everything turns out fine with her and her baby.

  5. oh Jeez!! just freak ppl out why dont you!!

    it is a big deal to bleed when your pregnant, but it does not always mean miscarriage.

    chk this wb site out...

  6. This is how a miscarriage can start I had 2 miscarriages and that is how mine started. I also started to bleed with my other 2 pregnancy's

    I was at home and I put my feet up and did nothing for a few days and it stopped and now I have 2 beautiful boys. But if she is bleeding heavy and is in pain then sadly yes more then likely she is. The first time for me I went to the E- room and was there for 4 hours and they still would not say that I was losing my baby. I was 5 weeks each time. So I was early. I have heard that you can have bleeding during your pregnancy and that is normal. I would not dismiss this and tell her to go back and talk again to the doctor.  

  7. Typically that much bleeding is the start of a m/c

  8. Well am 10wks pregnant too and I went to the emergency room when I was 8 wks for just a little spooting and the doctor told me evrything loked supper but to go back if I would bleed like a period they say soptting is sometimes normal but she said if u bleed that you have to use a pad you need to come back asa.....Sometimes its normal but you want to make sure evrything is right so tell your friend never to stay with the doubt its always better to be safe then sorry  

  9. Usually that much bleeding is not too good

  10. bleeding = bad when your pregnant. it usually means a miscarriage.

  11. Although rare some women do have vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy, particullarly early on.  She probably has nothing to worry about but going to see her ob.gyn. just in case is a good idea. I hope all goes well tell your friend best of luck

  12. yea i have to agree that much blood usually isnt a good sign, i hope that everything is okay though.

    my thoughts are with your friend

  13. I'm not a doctor so I can't really say for sure, but I've known at least a couple of women who have gotten periods throughout 6 months of being pregnant. On the other hand, my sister-in-law was bleeding for more than 15 days straight and she ended up having a miscarriage. Tell her to go back to the doctors. If her doctor says everything is fine, consider a second opinion.

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