My friend 'Angie' manages an office. She has an employee 'Sally' who is an older lady (45-50?) and dresses very badly. The clothing is too tight, often sparkly and not age appropriate. I would not say it's prostitute kind of bad but pretty close. Lots of really high heels, pink sparkly stuff and animal prints and tons of blue eye makeup.
Sally has been warned numerous times about the way she looks and dresses. The problem is, some of the stuff she isn't technically against the dress code, it's just trashy and sleazy looking. She is overweight and stuff is really tight and she is looking like the seams will break. People in the office joke about it, it's distracting in the work place and Sally doesn't seem to get what's "appropriate" for day/evening etc. She is also fuzzy on the whole clothing size concept and thinks she is a size 8 or 10 when she is more like a 14/16. She gets paid well and buys new clothing, purses and shoes all the time. This is a person who could totally dress classy if she wanted to. I have seen her in person and to write about it or talk about it, doesn't even compare to seeing it. She is a TRAINWRECK! It's as bad as they told me and worse. She's a nice lady but...yikes!
Friends have even recorded makeover shows and given them to her as a hint. Others have even told her directly and she gets really defensive saying she follows the rules.
Angie is seriously considering firing Sally for 'other' reasons but I suspect those other reasons would not be such a big deal if Sally dressed better. I think it's kind of sad. Sally is good at her job in a lot of ways but the clothing is a huge issue and she works with the public. Angie asked "Should her clothing be a factor in my decision?" Truthfully, I don't know what to say!