
My friend is always so mean to me what should i do?

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She has been my best friend for about 5 years. When shes not mean she can be really fun and fun to be with but she always hangs up me when we are on the phone when she doesn't want to hear what i have to say and then she won't answers her phone or she picks up and hangs up on me again. We go to different schools but I'm going to symphonic band and she is not. I was telling her about it and she got mad and said i don't deserve it (because i skipped concert band) and hung up. Shes also really selfish. She has been my best friend for a long time and we talk on the phone everyday but i don't know what i should do. Any advice?




  1. if she's mean to you, she doesn't sound like a good friend...ditch her

  2. If she really is a selfish person, then I suggest that you find another person who is loyal to you, intelligent, mature and kindhearted (I know, it sounds harsh).  However, there is a second option, you could talk to her about how you feel.  If not, then she is not worth of your time.

  3. That's a tough situation but can easily be handled the right way.  What you said about her being selfish, sounds very very right. That's just her personality.  She probably doesn't have the patience sometimes etc.. but it still doesn't mean she should hang up on you.  Did you ever ask her why she does that? Because you should ask her again and get a straight answer from her.  Best friends shouldn't do that to eachother.  I mean it must be annoying and all, but don't make a huge deal out of it with her because it might start a fight and you shouldn't lose her over this.  Just simply ask her why she does that and tell her you don't really like it.  Hope all goes well.  

  4. i think you should ask her to be nice or tell her to leave you alone if she is your friend then she should be nice to you

  5. I say find other friends  not saying get rid of her,  just find another friend to be with or talk to when she is being as you say mean,  

    maybe if she see's you have others friends besides her she will treat you better.

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