
My friend is an american citizen , he is now jailed for five years in mexico what can i do ?

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  1. what city is he in? which state? send me a message.

    you can go to the department of state's website, they have a lot of contacts for emergency situations.

  2. here is what the law of US says:

    If you are Arrested Abroad

    While in a foreign country, US citizens are subject to that country’s laws and regulations, which may differ significantly from those at home. Be sure to learn as much as you can about the local laws and customs of your destination, including information on alcohol consumption and drug possession and use.

    Persons violating the law, even unknowingly, can be expelled, fined, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are strict, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and fines.

    If arrested abroad, a citizen must go through the foreign legal process for being charged or indicted, prosecuted, possibly convicted and sentenced, and for any appeals process.

    Consular services:

    The US consular officers CANNOT get a US citizen out of jail, provide legal advice, pay legal fees and/or fines, or act as attorneys. They can, however, provide the prisoner with a list of local attorneys and assist in obtaining legal representation.

    The US consular office does provide a variety of services to incarcerated citizens, but these depend on the local laws, level of local services available, and circumstances of the prisoner.

    Under international agreements and practice, you have the right to talk to the US consul in most countries. If arrested you must ask the authorities to notify a US consular officer nearest you, they cannot and will not do so without your request. If this is denied, try to have someone else contact the US consular officer for you.

    Upon notification of arrest, the US consular officer will visit the prisoner, advise him/her of rights according to local laws, and contact the prisoner’s friends and relatives with the prisoner’s consent.

    the rest of the article is at this page:

    read it carefully....

  3. call the feds at 1 800 fed info or the us state dept who gets involved if they have not. good luck. mexico is bad. corrupt as h**l.

  4. send him as much money as posible to pay for a nice room and protection if not he will have to sleep with his shoes as a pillow

  5. Depends on the charge. If he broke the laws of a sovereign country, there is, unfortunately, very little the US can do about it. Just like how there is very little Mexico can do about Mexican citizens being jailed int he US. Unless the law or the punishment is somehow in violation of human rights, he's gonna have to spend those 5 years I'm afraid..

  6. well what did he do first off? and second you could try and get him a trial in the US not sure how you would go about doing that though

  7. You can't do a d**n thing. You're best off calling the A-team to bust him out. Don't forget to knock out B.A. before you take off.

  8. Nothing, he broke a law of sovereign country, now he is jailed.

    I hope our Government will do the same.

    Call 1-800-HELP-ASLU

  9. Not much, Mexico has a totally barbaric prison system.

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