
My friend is an illegal immigrant and recently got a dui and now has to go to court. What will happen to him?

by  |  earlier

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Will he get deported? He was also pulled over a couple of months ago for driving with no license but they just let him go. Other than that, he has no other violations...




  1. Agreed. He was caught breaking the law and putting the lives of innocent citizens in danger.

    If he feels the need to tool around half in the bag, let him do it in his own country.

  2. I sure hope that he is deported. Just here in Dallas an illegal mexican was driving drunk for the second time yet this time killed a newlywed couple, disgusting.

    EDIT - Probably not wise to ask citizens to help an illegal. HE may have not hurt anyone this time, but many do everyday.

  3. I hope he gets deported or put in jail.  People driving around drunk KILL people.  

    So what he only knows English, he can learn Spanish just like so many of us American are today so we can survive in our own country.

  4. he will probably get jail time and then deported as criminals of his standards should be! More illegals committing more crimes, they know no end to what their criminal behavior is do they!

    He can and will go back when they are done with him, who cares what he speaks, he is not welcome here and needs to be deported!

  5. depends on what city he goes to court in.  in most small texas towns the judge, clerks or bailiff notifies immigration service to come and check his status then put him in deportation proceedings

  6. If he is reported to ICE by the local authorities and they place a hold on him, yes he will be deported. He should be deported for being here illegally. We have enough drunks on the road without adding those illegally here.  

  7. Too bad, so sad.    Better plan that deportation party.      

  8. 28% of DUI fatalities are caused by illegal aliens. If reported to ICE he will be deported before he can be a part of that statistic!

  9. it really depends on the judge, because my uncle got a dui a while back and he is an illegal and he wasnt deported he just had to pay fines and go to classes so idk what could happend to him. i hope all goes well with your friend and he dosent get deported. dont listen to all these crazy people who are just being racist because hes illegal.

    you guys shouldnt judge someone just because where he was born, he made a mistake just like im sure you all have done.

  10. The law states he should be deported and banned from America with no chance of being a legal citizen EVER.

  11. They will suspend his license that he probably doesn't have in the first place and give him a fine.  According to what state you're in they might even give him a few days in jail but they will not deport him.  Going to court over a charge like that has nothing to do with immigration and you will see that the courts do not care about legal status as long as they get their money.  Your friend really has nothing to worry about!!!

    Don't listen to the haters, they're sad little people with sad little lives that have nothing better to do than to talk sh*t on the internet.

  12. He shouldn't answer any questions about his status, if he doesn't than they can't do anything.

  13. He will serve jail time then he will rightfully be deported. It is not our fault nor problem that he has been here illegally his whole life. He should have taken care of getting legal. Besides that,if he's driving drunk,he puts everyone on the road in danger. We are sick of our citizens dying because of drunk,illegal criminals.

  14. What may happen is they will probably ask his immigration status and he will be probably be deported since if something else happens down the road with him they will be absolved of possible future legal issues.

  15. well if he illegal he dont belong here

    so he belongs back were he came from anyway so his dui wil help immigration do there job  

  16. Well first of all, if he has been his entire life here, then he must have some immediate family members who are either a permanent residents or citizens. He can gain status through them. He will most likely will be placed in the immigration jail. There is a relief called humanitarian reasons. He should consult an very good attorney. I used to work for one attorney who had couple of the similar cases. If you are interested I could give you his info. He is in NJ.

    BY the way to those who made comments such as he should learn to speak Spanish. There was no where in the question about the ethnicity of the friend, you just assumed. This shows how prejudice you are that as soon as you hear illegal you all get offended and start your usual b.s. about illegals. You are so shallow.

  17. Totally agree with jeannie.... he needs to be deported. Don't need to pay for court costs b/c he was driving drunk. We have plenty of those as it is, don't need more on our roads!

  18. In that case, the guy has been eating ( in english the expression does not exist, sorry ) ********* and now he WILL LEARN SPANISH

    Good for him !

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