she is totally normal but with guys she fancies she dosent go for the normal good looking sweet type, she likes bad boys, and even sociopathic type of guys. im not talking about cannibals i mean just the types that like control. its kinda strange, she says looks arent too important but she wants someone who is fun unpredicatable and will do anytihng for a laugh, she says she wouldnt date a psycho but some in the movies she thinks are s**y :O. like latley shes been totally obsessed with the joker from the new batman movie, and ive told her, you need to like stop this coz its creepy, but i dont think she wants to, well i like the kinda people you see on jackass and the gamefreak rocker type so i guess you could say what i like isnt exaclty the norm, so i cant stop her but it just dosent seem right. i dont see how people can be attracted to murderers.