
My friend is being physically abused by his girlfriend but he won't leave her, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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My friend came over and told me a few days ago that his girlfriend of 7 months is VERY abusive, physically and verbally. He showed me where she hit him with a glass ashtray and split his lip, and he also showed me some scratches and bruises on his neck and back. He says that despite her violent temper, he loves her.

I'm trying my best to talk him into leaving before he ends up getting seriously hurt or killed but it's falling on deaf ears. He even told me that she slapped him in the face very hard in front of a lot of people at a get together that i wasn't able to attend, but mutual friends that were there told me that she hit him so hard that his eyes watered up and left a big red mark on his face. I gotta do something, but what?

I don't wanna risk losing his friendship but at the same time i can't let him get killed. Any suggestions? He kept this from me for so long out of embarrassment and i thought that since he came clean about it he was ready to leave her, but he balks at the very notion of leaving her. I just don't get it!!!




  1. Well, the first thing you can do is get a mirror. Then stand your friend in front of it, and have him take a good look at himself. Let him see for himself, the injuries, and other marks this girl has put on him. Usually people realize the truth when they are bluntly faced with it. Ask him if he wants to continually look like that. Is this what he wants in return for any love and loyalty he gives this woman?

        See if you can get him to a doctor, where his injuries will be documented, and have pictures taken of the injuries. He may need them as evidence if, and/or, when he decides enough is enough, and decides to do something about it.

       You are correct in your assessment of the situation.He certainly does run the risk of serious injury, and, depending on the level of violence this woman is capable of, maybe getting killed. However there is another situation that may arise. No matter who strong a person is, the human spirit also has its limitations. One of these days this woman is going to possibly escalate the violence to where your friend is going to snap, and turn on her. When that happens, the abuser usually ends up in the hospital, or a morgue. In a case like this, no matter how justified the action, your friend would end up being arrested and charged with a criminal offence.

        Keep up the efforts to get your friend out of this poisonous situation. If you and your friend a part of a circle of friends, try to get others on board, and help you. This is going to be tough. Your friend may resent your interference, but better to lose your friendship with him, than him having his physical, and psychological well being destroyed.

  2. ask him to marry you.................. he might say yeah.. am being serious  

  3. alrite ur gunna have to take the risk of loosing that friendship but the happy side is usually a guy will realize what a friend you are and h**l get over her and be your homie again so risk it cuzz its not about you its about him trust me risk pay off just stay positive and dont loose hope

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