
My friend is blind and likes Chinese food. Will the restaurant allow him to take his guide dog?

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Would there be any problem with this.




  1. shouldent be a problem as its illegal to discriminate and a guide dog is meant for assistance and not allowing it in would be discriminating against him

  2. Most restaurants are fine, but you do get the occassional problems. Its always best to check with the restaurant before hand to save any conflict

  3. The only animals permitted in businesses, places of intrest, resturaunts etc. are service animals.  Otherwise they would be discriminating your friend because of their disability.  Service animals are specially trained to focus on their job, which is why they don't encourage people touching them &  feeding them (unless you ask first) becuase "they're working"

  4. They are alowed by law no one can stop u

  5. Guide dogs are allowed  access" ANYWHERE" If  this person is refused which  would be rare if ever at all?

    #1 call cop to  restaurant  get report in writing!

    #2 call lawyer  so that next trip to  restuarant will be nicer since you,ll prolly own it by then...

    Oh btw I had a  business refuse me  and my seeing eye dog, well lets say $35,000.00 in my pocket, plus legal fees and  govt issued fines, then really bad press, on top of that amt. they now reconsider their no pets policy * a seeing eye dog is not a pet it is a needed medical service device!

    A: There may be a few circumstances when a public accommodation is not required to accommodate a service animal--that is, when doing so would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the business. Generally, this is not likely to occur in restaurants, hotels, retail stores, theaters, concert halls, and sports facilities. But when it does, for example, when a dog barks during a movie, the animal can be excluded.

    If you have further questions about service animals or other requirements of the ADA, you may call the U.S. Department of Justice's toll-free ADA Information Line at 800-514-0301 (voice) or

    800-514-0383 (TDD).

  6. He should take a friend with him to look after the dog so it does not get too close to the kitchen

  7. Give them a call and check some will allow it

  8. They "should" dogs are, I think, allowed by law. You might want to contact the restaurant manager and ask him before you just show up. It could avoid any uncomfortable moments for your friend.

  9. Absolutely!

    And if they kick up a fuss, quote the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 at them!

    Hope this helps!

  10. its against the law not to hun though some do so phone and check to save red faces (im in a chair i know the feeling)x*x

  11. No they ll let him in.. and if they dont you can threaten them with legal action lol...

    Ive seen guide dogs in McDonald's!

  12. It depends on what Chinese restaurant you go to.

  13. Should be okay. Just make sure they don't start looking at the dog funny. Sweet an sour guide dog is a delicacy in china. LOL.

    By law they cant stop your friend.

  14. They have to let a guide dog in.

  15. They are ment to let guide dogs in.

    But on a funny note mabe it would be safer to leave dog home or you might get him for dinner!!

  16. Just be care full that the Chinese cook, doesn't think you want the dog cooked. It has happened before. As dog meat is normal in China.

  17. Of course, the dog is welcome!

  18. yes food premises have to allow in guide dogs (legally)

  19. Guide dogs are permitted anywhere.

  20. just cook for him and walk him round the block. he wont know where you have gone!

  21. if your friend has a seeing eye dog they have to allow it.

  22. ASK THEM


  24. If there is aproblem you need to be eating somewhere else every where should allow guide dogs

  25. Yes it will. If it's really important then they would let you. Trained dogs that help blind people can go anywhere where the blind person is going. Don't worry they let  you in!

  26. yes they should but maybe for the sake of hygeine maybe you can guid this person for the meal as you wont be walking around or anything.xx

  27. Why don't you ask the restaurant instead ?

  28. Yes, But they won`t let him out!

  29. Guide dogs are allowed anywhere by law. Sue them if they don't let the dog walk in...

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