
My friend is bugging the **** outta meh!?

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my friend keeps trying to find something wrong with me? she is always trying to point out flaws in me but i always either shrug it off and keep talking to someone else. or i will prove her wrong, like i dont log onto myspace everyday but she says i do even when i dont. shes just trying to find anything and everything wrong with me! why is she doing this? is it because she thinks my life is too good to be true? (it kinda is a pretty sweet life on the outside)




  1. Jealousy is an ugly ugly thing. Girls are like that. We are constantly competing with other girls over anything...So probably she has a complex about how she logs into myspace to much and is trying to push it off on you to make herself feel better. I would stop hanging out with her. Just stop inviting her....You are probably a lot prettier and more popular than her....You know you have an awesome life...dont let some jealous girl ruin it for her :)

  2. just say bit-ch shutdafuckup! and mind your own business!

  3. some people are just annoying people. she looks like shes one of those friends who you cant meet up with everyday. just see less of her-all you can really do.  

  4. She is doing it because she is jealous of you, or she is secretly insecure and bringing you down makes her feel superior. She's trying to win your respect, she thinks that making you feel low will make you want her approval. Next time she does it, just say, i didn't think we were competing, but you're right, your cell phone [or whatever] is way cooler than mine. If she doesn't realize she's being catty, that could shake her out of it; if she's doing it on purpose, acting like you couldn't care less drains any twisted pleasure she gets. She'll be less motivated to pick you apart if she's feeling happy with herself. So try spreading "positive" gossip, like the fact that she scored the winning goal or aced a test. If the put-downs don't stop, you're not doing yourself any favors by hanging out with her or talking to her. Try cutting back on the time you spend with her, talk on the phone less, chat with her on myspace less, (don't comment back), make plans with NICE friends that respect you. Or just flat out ignore her. Eventually she'll catch on that she's being a bad friend and will leave you alone.  

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