
My friend is coming to vist me from Brazil!!?

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Okay I have a female friend that wants to visit me for Rio I myself have visited her and stayed at her place a couple of times I must say she has a very nice family. Anyways she doesn't speak good English so my question to some of you people out their that have experienced something like this? I need to know what is the best way for her to get from GiG to LAX scince she doesn't know that great of English I don't want her to have any trouble getting to LAX she knows alittle spanish I was thinking Lan Chile airlines she go from GIG to Santiago, Chile to LAX if any one else knows of a better way please let me know she will be coming May 2007 thanks! Oh by the way what things will she need like passport and what else?




  1. There are flights from GIG to LAX. She may hop on one of them. She'll need her passort and a US visa. And a ticket to get on a plane.

    You may write her small cards with a single question per card i.e. Which way to the Immigration?  Where can I find Gate 17? etc.

  2. yea.. theres plenty of time for her to prepair herself.... she'll need a  visa.. which is hard for a Brazilian to obtain unless shes got some money in the bank .. which then will be no prob

    good luck

  3. Between now and then, your friend has plenty of time to learn a little bit of English to get by.

  4. Tell her to visit the U.S. Embassy websites:


    She will need a Brazilian passport, which she can obtain from the Federal Police.  Print a form from the Polícia Federal's website:

    As far as from GIG to LAX, there should be a direct flight with American Airlines or something, maybe a stop in Dallas.

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