
My friend is considering being homeschooled in highschool..?

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His parents want to homeschool him for financial reasons..and if he doesnt get a scholarship to college he wont get to go. i am worried he wont be able to get a full scholarship to college through homeschooling. I need your opinion on the subject




  1. I did homeschooling for a few years and I thought it was AWESOME. I developed a great skill set in the business world that helped me get the great job I have today.

    However, I don't carefor exams, so I went back to real school (in 10th grade) because I thought it would be easier to get into college by just going through HS. -Being who I am I had no desire to take a test to get a HS degree.

    Honestly, the only thing you have to take care of to counterbalance the homeschooling is to make sure you have a way to interact with other kids your own age. That's the only thing I missed when I did homeschooling, but then I ws a bit of a loner back then, so I don't know if it would have made much of a difference.

    I have to say I really enjoyed the freedom to be able to research the things that I was interested in...

  2. Homeschoolers can DEFINITELY get scholarships and they do, believe me.  It was difficult when homeschooling was new, but it's not new anymore.  Colleges know they make great students and seek to recruit them.  The parents need to find out all they can from homeschool support groups about how to prepare for college and scholarships.  It's a great choice and a whole lot cheaper than private high school tuition.

  3. I dont think you can get a scholarship from homeschooling. It is extremely hard to get a scholarship from high school though. that is how i feel here where i live.

  4. yes i do no someone but they got the scholarship from playint the piano.. soo realy it depends on wat they want the scholarship for.  

  5. You can still get scholarships when you homeschool. One way is by taking the PSAT your Junior Year. The top finalist in the state are called Merit Scholars and they get scholarship money. Your friend will also need to score well on the SAT/Act. But he would have to do this if he want to public school too. Have him check with the college he want to attend for more information.

    Best of Luck!


  6. Actually, there are colleges that have grants and scholarships specifically set aside for homeschoolers.  Also, honestly, homeschoolers tend to score several percentage points higher than classroom-schooled kids, have more well-rounded transcripts, and have a better chance at earning college credits while in high school.  All in all, homeschooling can actually give him a better chance at college.

    He still has to do the work, but because his schedule will be more open and his choice of opportunities will be more broad, his chances at money for college will be high.  :)

  7. home school in a way can cost more than going to public school. also, if he is good at a sport he could get a scholarship from that. if i was him id much rather go to a regular high school than be home schooled, not only would it be lonely but he;d miss out on a lot of teenage experiences.

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