
My friend is depressed what should i do?

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a lot of my friends are going out of town this weekend do visit our friends that we met this summer. One of my friends is grounded so she can't go. She has been really depressed about it and i think she even cut herself. she won't listen to me and she keeps telling me that she is fine when i know she is not. i really care about her...what do i do?




  1. Chloroform can do wonders...

  2. still kid.. she will regret hurting herself..  

  3. try cheering them up n ask them how can you help them.

  4. if she is still with her family, then maybe speek to her parents or siblings about it and just let them know that you are looking out for her best interest...also, if she is cutting herself and you can see the look in her eyes....then dont hesitate, call someone immediately (hospital) otherwise..if she is kinda kidding about it then it may just be to get attention and even to get you to feel sorry for her so you will stay behind with her and not go see your friends like her.

  5. michelle- i think i know which friend your talking about and I'm worried about her too. She's not been herself this year, and either you or kell need to sit down with her and have a serious conversation about this. instead of asking her if something's wrong, start the conversation with WE KNOW that something is wrong. Good luck.

  6. There are a couple of options here. You could talk to her parents and explain that you are worried about her. Discuss what you think would help. If this doesn't work, you could see if, even though she can't go out, if she is able to have friends over. Maybe one or two of you could stay behind with her and have a sleepover or something. If even this is off of the cards, do what you can to make her feel better. Maybe you could put together a care package for her to cheer her up. Include food, magazines, books, movies, music, whatever you think will make her feel better, along with a card saying that you wish she was with you or something. Talk to her on the phone if you are allowed, because then she won't feel so cut off.

    About the cutting, if this is for real you need to get help. This is not the kind of thing to take lightly. Try talking to her but if that won't work, go to her parents. She might not like it at first but she will come to realise that you did what you did out of love. Her being angry at you is better than her being seriously hurt.

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