
My friend is entering a singing comp but she's a terrible singer what should i do?

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My friend has a terrible singing voice but is entering a big singing competition, her parents are letting her do it. She thinks she sounds great but no one has ever told her about how she really sounds. I don't want her to get embarrassed and upset. Please give me some helpful advice x




  1. Get some ear defenders failing that stuff cottonwool in your ears

  2. tell her the truth before she makes a fool of herself or tell her to sing for you and record her and then play it to her she'll get the message!

  3. let her do it she will find out the hard way.

  4. talk to her and let her know  

  5. A real friend would tell her the truth and in this case that she isnt good..but dont be mean to her when you tell her nice and say you wouldnt want to hurt your feelinigs etc.

    Hope this helps :)


  6. Just sit back....and laugh , along with everyone

  7. do you watch the so call talent shows on tv 99.9% of then can not sing

    and most of today's pop singers can not sing so let her enter.she might become a star.

  8. Ahhh...the American Idol syndrome. Friends and family too afraid to tell their loved ones they suck at singing. Hey, her parents owe her the truth more than you. Let the judges tell her she's bad. Besides, if you tell her she'll just think you're jealous and she'll audition anyway. The pros will set her straight.

  9. don't burst her bubble or hurt her feelings...let her do what she wants to do...if she is that bad, she'll find out soon enough & then you can support her...that is what a good friend does!

  10. there must be other people who have told your friend that she can sing or else she wouldn't even have the guts to try. or is is possible that you may not appreciate the quality and style of her singing? i'm just trying to understand how she believes she sings really well if it's only her parents that believe she can sing (or maybe she's the only person who believes).

    another thing is, i think she's courageous for trying. are you sure that it's not you who's afraid of being embarrassed when your friend makes a mistake?

    be a friend and support her through this...if more people will agree that she sounds terrible, then find a way to kill her dream.  if you seem to be alone on this, keep your chin up and clap with every horrid note she sings.

  11. Tell her she needs to practice in front of a cam recorder so she can look back at it to improve, if she dosent realise she is awful then shes probably too stupid to take any notice of any criticism you give her.

  12. you can either tell her that she sucks or get a video camera. and record her singing then post it on youtube.  

  13. sing star! get her on it and set it on playback - she will hear herself and maybe realise that she's making a mistake  - or just say ' i dont mean to sound awful but ur my best friend and i dont want you to embaress urself - i dont think u should enter, i think you have a good voice but i'm not sure others will think the same.'

    something like that - but she will like you more if u tell her

    caus eafter she will be like ' why didnt you tell me' adn u will feel worse.

    good luck x  

  14. Like someone suggested earlier, offer to video her for "rehearsal" but DO NOT post it on YouTube (that would be reprehensible).  Just let her watch it and judge for herself.  We don't necessarily hear our own voices the way they sound to other people, and this could be one reason why she doesn't know she's a bad singer.  If she expresses some doubt after seeing it, suggest that you show it privately to 10 people who don't know her, and let them offer an opinion and give her some feedback.  And who knows?  Maybe it's only you who thinks she has a bad voice...I know there are many popular performers today that I personally can't stand.

    While there is some merit in the suggestion that others have made to let her try and fail, there's also some grace in trying to save her from public humiliation and embarrassment.  You're a good friend.

  15. why bother about your friend can't get it off her !leave that for the judge to decide..and if she get embarrassd too you should stand beside her, after all its not her voice that you like about her ..or atleast you can record her voice and let her listen,if she still wanna go for it..give her support!

  16. I agree with Abs Woohoo - Singstar is the answer! I've always thought that anyone entering a singing comp (X Factor etc) should be made to sing on something like Singstar then listen back to themselves with the backing music taken off. I knew I wasn't good, but that was a nasty experience! I'm sure if more people actually listened to themselves 'raw', they wouldn't go to the audition - if they do, it's their lookout!

  17. let her learn. if you tell her she might think your evil or something. if professionals tell her, she may get upset, but then she will know.

    may sound bitchy, but let her. if she was going to get hurt THAT much by it, im sure her parents wouldnt let her try.  

  18. just so she doesnt  feel   bad why dont  you sing with her    

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