
My friend is feeling suicidal please help?

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he thinks he has bipolar depression. hes 15 and is scared to see a doctor incase they isolate him cos he self harms and thinks of suicide. he hasnt told his parents. he doesn't want to. im scared for him




  1. Manic depression/bipolar disorder is a very serious thing. Encourage him to see a doctor/school counsellor. Tell him you are happy to go with him to support him.

    The doctor will not isolate him. If they assess him and decide that he is at high risk of suicide, they may put him on suicide watch, but they wouldn't isolate him. The doctor will only want to help him, and isolation is not the way to help someone with a mental illness. Doctors and therapists see self harm a lot. They know how to deal with it and how to help their clients stop.

    It would be a good idea for him to tell his parents. They would support him and help him get the help he needs.

    Also, make sure he knows that you are there for him and are worried about him. Tell him that if he ever needs to talk you are there. Let him do the talking - he needs you to listen to the things that he needs to say.

    Good luck.

  2. If he thinks he has bipolar then he really really needs to see a doctor.

  3. Open his mind and guide him into a direction where feels stable and what he can see himself doing for the years to come.

  4. They almost certainly wont isolate him. But if the doctors isolate him "cos he self harms and thinks of suicide" then they will be doing it for his own good. Why do you think you know better than trained professionals?

    Would you aid a person with appendicitis by saving them from the scalpel?

  5. Perhaps you can help him by showing him all the good things in his life.

    Certainly he is much better off than many others.

    You could start with showing him this video:    

  6. tell him he as to see a doctorn i know familys torn apart because of suicide he needs to see a doctor tell him they will not iscolate him they wont iscolate him  

  7. I really don't think the doctor will isolate him.  Tell your friend that the doctor is the best person to help and that his life can change, but he needs to take that first step and tell his doctor.

    He will probably find the doctor is very compassionate - most doctors are very understanding about these types of problems.

  8. no matter what your friend says, he really needs to see a doctor. there are ways to treat bipolar depression. but if he keeps avoiding it, bipolar depression can lead to really scary things like hallucinations, multipule personality disorder and schizophrenia.

    its literally a situation of 'better safe than sorry'

    also let him know that your there for him.

  9. The only thing u can do is talk to him. figure out why he is feeling that way trust me u dont feel that way for no reason. something has to be going on for him to feel that way..

    tell him hes young and theres alot to look forward to in life he is very young and should be happy i kno its a stage some ppl go thru..

    but tell him to stay strong things always get better take him to the movies take him out it will maybe make him more confident and if he doesnt want to go out id be a little worried and if I were you I would call his parents or tell someone no matter how mad he gets at you. hes ur friend dont give up on him be there for him or even talk to him and if it gets worse turn him in.

    he will thank u in the end.

    maybe hes stressed or something jus talk to him as a friend and be there hes to young to try suicide..  any age is to young though..

    suicide is not the way out.. its a cowardly way out of life cuz things arent going good part of life is staying strong thru them rough things it will only make u a stronger person in the end you know??

    tell him that

    what DOESNT kill you makes you stronger..

    Life is full of sh8t and obstacles that seem impossible but things have a way of turning out good in the end thats why u never give up

  10. Steph, you'[ve got some really good advice here already, and you're clearly being a good friend.

    So I'll just add, either of you can call (or even email) the Samaritans.

    This is exactly what they're trained to deal with. It's absolutely confidential. And even if your friend can't or won't call them, do so yourself, to get the support that you need now.

    Good luck.


  11. 1st- Make him make a contract with you that he will not kill himself or harm himself any further until you two can find an adult he trusts to help him through this.

    2nd- I worked with teenagers in a psychiatric hospital for years and they do not isolate people because they hurt themselves. What they will do is put him either on a line of sight or a 1:1, meaning someone is watching him every second or within arms length of him every second, then if he tries to continue cutting or whatever he does they will medicate him and place him in isolation..with staff watching, they are never left alone.

    Make the contract, make him promise you that he will not do anything further at least until you see him.Do it RIGHT NOW!!!  

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