
My friend is getting on my nerves what should i do?

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ok here it goes.... see my friend likes this dude who is such a spoiled brat!!he hates her! but all she talks about is him and i am tried of hearing evan this evan that shoud i tell her or just let her go on and on about! but what if he hurts her feelings what should i do please help!!!




  1. You could try.  

    "I'm glad your excited, but shouldn't you be telling Evan these things?  I'm sure he would love to hear them."  

    It's not your responsibility if your friend gets their feelings hurt by someone else, and you shouldn't speak down about someone she possibly cares about unless you know specific things he has done that are bad, in which case she should be told the truth and nothing more, leave your own opinion out of it and be supportive to your friend.  

    And if your friend does get hurt, just be there for them, that's what responsible caring friends are there for more than anything, to give you a shoulder when you need it, and a push to get over your own shyness and worry.  

  2. Tell her that the guy doesn't like her and tell her not to bother with him.

  3. idk

  4. tell her its annoying you. and friends should be honest with each other even if it hurts so try telling her in a nice way that you're not sure he's a great guy for her and she could do better

  5. ther eis only one thing to do. you must eat her.

  6. Ahhh!! i know how annoying that is!!!!

    i am an honest person whether it sounds nice or not.

    if i were you i would tell her to stop talking about him cause its f*****g annoying.

  7. tell her

  8. you keep your d**n mouth shut. shes so blinded by luv she wont listen to u and resent you. just let it fall apart. and for the hurt thing, everyone gets hurt now and again. if you stop it now it will come around sometime. its inevidable

  9. tell the girl ...  

  10. I was in the same situation. I tell my friend the truth. She will understand if you tell her. If she gets hurt give her sympathy!  

  11. Step back a step or two, and consider if perhaps it is your own dislike for this person that is coloring your feelings for your "friend"?

    Is she not entitled to make her own mistakes?  A true friend will risk losing a friend, or "hurting the feelings of a friend" if one believes ones friend cannot "see" what one feels is necessary to see.  And, if ones friend cares more for the person than you, so be it.

    Life is full of relationships, some of them last a few minutes, while others last a lifetime.  But the wise person allows Fate to determine the length and nature of ones relationships and friends.

    It no doubt sounds selfish but,  all relationships should be used to grow oneself, and when the cost of a relationship interferes with ones growth, then the relationship is too costly.


  12. Tell her how you feel. Just be nice about it. I had a friend who was going through the exact same thing. I told her that if she wanted to be with this guy that it was her choice. I didn't like him and the way he treated her. If she was going to continue to want him, I wanted nothing to do with it and if he did something to hurt her, I would be there for her.  

  13. just tell her hes a

    brat and ur sick of

    hearin her rattle on

    about a useless

    inadequate sort of

    person she'll under-


  14. just tell her

  15. Tell her that you are sick of hearing about evan, and you would like to talk about other things! You just have to be straight forward and tell her how it is. But say it in a nice way of course.

  16. she'll get over it.. .ur gonna go through a faze like this, it's not her fault, when you like a guy you just cant help but talk about him and think about him all the time. and wen u go nuts over one she'll be there to listen, and u should do the same for her.  but you can always try changing the subject

  17. Get over it.

    Your friends aren't there to please you.

    I imagine you get on your friend's nerves as well.

    Friends just deal with that and love each other regardless.

  18. then tell her and explain it to her haha?

  19. Tell her to shut her face and you're sick and tired of hearing it.-hey, she'll get over it

  20. You should tell your friend why you are WORRIED about her.

  21. The best way for you is to tell her that "dude" is up to no good and pretend you tell your friend that this guy sleeps with girls (just a white lie, but you are a caring person for your friend).  However, if that does not work, then let her go and let the guy break her heart.  Life is all about happiness and pain along the road.  Hope it helps you.

  22. take a break from her to cool off....

  23. just be straight up about it, ask her why does she keep talking nice about him and he don't like you. forget him and meet somebody that's realy worth your attention.

  24. Tell her how you feel, thats what real friends do..oh and grow up, in 10 years it wont matter what you told her

  25. tell her to move on and tell her how you feel

    if shes a good friend she will drop it and listen =]

    hope i helped

  26. I would tell her so she doesn't get her feeling hurt if he tells her something. Good luck!♥

  27. firsst u should tell ur friends about ur feelings too... and thn once she understands u then simply try to make her understand that he is not the right one for her and can hurt u....

    say that he is gona leav her one day so find another one she deserves...

  28. That's why you're her friend right?! so you guys can be honest about each other no matter what. So if she's getting on ur nerves, you have to speak up.

    I have the same thing with my friends, but i talk to them about it, and they understand. If she's a real friend then she wouldn't be offended with what you have to say, just as long as its not mean and cold.  

  29. just let her know that your about to tell her something and it's not hurt her but to let her know so she can find someone else instead of staggering on about this person who doesn't like her and if she is a spoiled brat and annoyingyou may want to stay away from that usually they think they can have whatever  which is a reality  check for her let her know she is wasting her time on someone and to move to the next. I can't stand spoiled brats you must have some tremendous patience. Good luck with that person is that why he doesnt like her it is a major turn off someone will tell eventually

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