
My friend is having her Quinceañera, and I need an escort by this Friday, but I need advice for asking...?

by Guest60213  |  earlier

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a boy to be my escort.

The boy I really want to ask, and the only boy I even want to ask, went to middle school with the friend who is having her Quinceañera (I think I spelled that right?). Tomorrow (Monday) is my the start of my second week of high school. I've never known him before last Monday. I recently added him on Myspace, and sent him a friendly message, asking him how he liked the school, reminding him which class of mine he's in... just trying to start a conversation. He replied back the next day, answering my questions, and asking me what was up, how I was, and asking me how I liked the school. Good sign, right? Well... I'm thinking he was probably just being friendly and replying. I hadn't ever gotten a chance to talk to him, in or out of class, before that.

So earlier today, I found out about my friend's Quinceañera, and she told me she wanted me to be one of her maids of honor, and that I needed an escort by the END of this month (August) which is pretty close. Well, turns out she was wrong. I need one by the end of this week! She knows I like this guy, and she also knows I don't really know him/have never really talked to him, besides from the message over Myspace. She thought of a plan that would make things a little less awkward: She'd tell him I didn't know anyone yet, and that she had told me she'd find someone to escort me because of that. Afterall, since he was her friend in middle school, it would be a good reason to ask him instead of someone else, anyways.

Well.. yeah, that's a great idea and all, but I don't think that would be entirely fair to him. He might not want to, but say yes anyways because he's a nice guy/he feels he has to. I really, really like him, and this would be an awesome opportunity to get to know him better and all if he says yes... but I'm just scared that he'll feel obligated to, or that he wont say yes at all.

Uhhhg. I really need some advice?

I only have him in one class, and it's the class with the most work to do (so... there's barely anytime for me to really talk to him in that class).

I also don't have his number; the only way I can really contact him right now is through Myspace, which he isn't on very much.

Please help me? :]

(I apologize for the length!)




  1. Aww! That's adorible [:

    Okkk welll how about you try to talk him in the hallways or before/after class?

    Get him to know you over the next three days or so and then ask him,

    "Hey.. so you're ____'s friend, right? Do you know about her party? She told me that I had to ask a boy to be my escort by the end of this week aha.. are you going with anyone?"


    Or I really like your friend's idea. I know you might feel like he MUST say yes, but I'm sure if you two talk, he'll warm up to you [: Besides, who you think he's going to ask??

    I'd say you don't have to worry about him asking someone else, he'd be flattered to even have a date, & ever more flattered if you ask him!!

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