
My friend is having trouble with her 8 year old nephew speaking inappropriately while at a neighbors house.?

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He told his 6 year old friend that he wanted to"bone" his sister.Now he isn't allowed at their home to play anymore. This is the second time he has behaved that way at the neighbors house.My friend has custody of her nephew and has no idea how to deal with this situation!Help!




  1. ehe child may just have been repeating something he heard and may not have had any idea or only a very vague idea (and ultimately incorrect) idea of what that meant.

    First, I would get to the bottom of where he heard that kind of language.

    Second, she needs to talk to him about proper behavior- how somethings are acceptable at some times and others are completely unacceptable at all times (like this kind of talk) at all times.  

    He is old enough to understand the concept of being offensive or as she might explain it to him, hurting someone Else's fellings or upsetting the other person over something that is said.

  2. Kids repeat what they hear at home.

  3. That's a strange thing for an 8 year old to be saying. I think he should be in some sort of counseling.

    If his environment was bad he really might know what he's saying. Kids grow up fast these days.

  4. Obviously this child has heard things he shouldn't have heard...I would say his previous enviornment wasn't the most savory to say the least...He heard that from someone in his prior life...She needs to have a heart to heart talk with this little boy and tell him the use of certain words and terms is inappropriate and are NOT to be used...HE really doesn't know what he is saying, he just knows it gets attention...Children learn from example and the more she shows him the correct way to behave ...he will eventually learn...I Pray The Best For Him and His Auntie.

  5. He has obvioulsy heard this from somewhere...I'm thinking his home.  Ask him if he knows what the term means, first.  I suggest also having a talk with his parents because obviously they are teaching him inappropriate behavior or allowing their son to be exposed to it.

  6. Talk to him.  Counseling.  Don't allow him to go to anyone's house.  Allow him a friend over and supervise.  He can have freedom when his actions and words show he deserves it.  As for now, he is 8.

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