
My friend is in a risky situation what should he do?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so my boy is 18, and he is dating a girl thats 16 gonna be 17 soon. Well he dont want to be with her and so he wanna dump her. Problem is she is very emotional and doing that might make her go crazy. He is afraid that she will say he raped her as revenge for dumping her. Even thought they didnt have s*x, and they cant prove him guilty, he still gotta go to court and pay for a lawyer and it still goes on his record, so it aint worth the time, money, or risk of hurting his future. What should my friend do, dump her now, or stay with her and wait it out til she turns 17?




  1. your friend shouldnt have to wait until shes 17 if he truly dont care about her or want to date her.i would suggest stop talking to her completely.change your numbers,your email adress or screen name,everything.but,if she can still contact you because she knows where he lives,talk to her and tell her that you love her and respect a lot but that you think its best you both move on.make sure shes not mad or angry when he breaks with her..he should comfort her as long as it takes so she wont get revenge.and dont worry about the courty.say you had a mutual relationship you both agreed on,that you never had s*x and get a witness to say that yes,they were dating and no they never had s*x..its better to have backup because this way theres no proof you raped her of anything.gooood luck!

    sorry i kept saying you, i meant him*

  2. If they didn't have s*x all he has to do is say so. He doesn't need a lawyer to do that.

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