
My friend is in year 10, is she early secondary or middle secondary.

by  |  earlier

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  1. Upper secondary, as she is now in Key Stage 4

    Key Stage 3 - Year 7-9

    Key Stage 4 - Year 10-11

  2. Your friend is middle secondary. Secondary school is from year 7 to year 12. Pass ing at year 10 gets you the School Certificate. Years 11 and 12 are the Higher School Certificate years.

  3. middle/upper secondary - key stage 4!

  4. Secondary school consists of years 7 to 11. So someone in year 10 is in their 4th year out of 5. That's also the first year of key stage 4 - and is probably in the first year of their GCSEs (which usually takes 2 years).

  5. When I was at school it would have been called the Upper School.  

    Years 7 - 9 :  Lower School

    Year 10 - 13 : Upper School

  6. DEar friend,

    Primary classes are from 1-5,  Middle from 6-8, and Secondary from 9-10. I hope your quest is satisfied.

  7. no 1 year below leaving  

  8. Secondary.

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