
My friend is moving to Brazil! any info? weather? crime? best city? Anything!I know nothing about Brazil!?

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My friend has recently accepted a job to work for the International Christian School in Brazil! I'm just curious about Brazil now! Anything and everything you can tell me will help! I know nothing about it, I've only heard of the beautiful girls and the beaches. What really goes on though?




  1. its a beautiful place but alot of crimes occur there.

  2. Well, Im Brazilian and I live now at capital Brazil (Brazilia). I lived at Rio de Janeiro since 3 years and  I can help you.

    I work at hospital now, but I've one time for  y.

    Rio de Janeiro is big city who have high and middle class. Have 20 milh habitantes. Have some favelas - they form lower classl. The middle class use drog. The drog is make in favelas by traffics, but more people of favelas are honests. However, sometimes have war between trafficker of one favela with trafficker of outher - its very danger for people who walk between favelas. because trafficker (deshonest) kill themselvs. Policeman use big armaments to kill trafficker. My mother and my 2 system live and work at Rio de Janeiro. One of my sister is lf army. Rio is danger when have war between traficker at favelas(favelas stay at big mountains). Rio have beautiful girls and beaches and good districts is Leblon, Ipanema, Barra da Tijuca (danger is Rocinha favela), but I dont like this districts because have favelos around. I like Angra dos Reis,  Saquarema, Quissamã, where no have favelas and traffics and have good people and beautiful girls, beaches and no have thiefs.

    Brazil have democracy an the presidente is Luis Inacio Lula da Silva and the presidente ordered national force since feb. stay  at Rio de Janeiro. Because this, the govern want social order.

    Speak for your friend to dont use iewel, irinket,  and dont use expensive clothes -never. Use simple clothers, Dont use clock, computer at street or beach. Dont go to ZONA NORTE, is danger. Zona Sul (South of Rio) have distrits: Leblon (good, but have VIDIGAL favela), Ipanema  (good but have CANTAGALO FAVELA), COPACABANA and LEME (have favela very danger), BOTAFOGO and Flamengo (have ST MARTA favela), Barra da TIJUCA (ROCINHA FAVELA - THE BEST DANGER).

    NORTH ZONE of Rio - Have some with favelas -

    LINHA VERMELHA - RED LINE - DONT GO THERE - is very danger because have some favelas.

    When I live in Rio, and I go to favelas to Crinstian Misson (Im catolics)  I conclued who Rio have some favelas because dont have social politics of habitation and family program, for some years ago. Is very bad see this.

    Say for he to dont walk at streets Rios tonight, Ok?

  3. It is the most used drug trafficking city. With this brings high crime, mostly murder.

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