
My friend is neglecting her guinea pig i want to tell the rspca but she'll know its me what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i havent confronted her as i dont know what to say exactly. i dont think she really cares about looking after it and i dont know what to do for the best.




  1. Speak to your friend and tell her to sort out her Guinea Pig or your going to either take it from her and find it a new home or give it to the RSPCA. If she cares enough about her piggy she will sort herself out and get it cleaned out. If she can't be bothered to clean it or give it play time chances are she wont be that bothered by your threats and so you could just take it anyway.

    If you had a dog in a cage and fed it cheap food and let it walk around its own poo, it would still be alive but only have a very poor quality of life, this is the same with your friends guinea pig. Being alive doesn't mean it's having a great life, such a shame when guinea pigs are such lovely animals.

  2. i would do it,friend or no friend.animals dont deserve neglect.have you confronted your friend?

  3. You MUST be the strong voice for this little innocent guinea pig. They are so sweet & deserve the best care!  I wish I had it!  Last month I spent nearly $800 on my one guinea pig because he had stones. I never let any of my pets go or suffer!  Talk to her & approach her with a more of a curiosity about the guinea pig.  Then as she informs you of how she cares for it then you jump in & make suggestions.  If things don't improve then take it & give it to someone who will care for it!

  4. Choose, either the guinea pig dies or you loose a friend

  5. I understand your situation but that guinea pig deserves no neglection whatsoever so tell the RSPCA if you have a conscience tell them.

    I feel for you in this situation.

  6. tell her you do't like what shes doing to the poor thing.

    if she says i can't look after it ask if you can take it.

    wither u look after or give it to the RSPCA. tell them a friend wasn't looking after it properly so you asked her if you could find it a home.

    if not tell her shes cruel.

  7. First thing what is your interpretation of neglect.....

    If you feel going behind your friends back is being a good friend go for it call them, otherwise why not have a face to face talk with your friend.

    I know, these days being a backstabber seams to be the in thing, but really talk to your friend. Maybe you can take the pig home and care for it better.  

  8. suddenly develop a desire for a guinnea pig & ask for it yourself- possibly to find another home in about a month  

  9. Okay you're English, and the New Animal Welfare Act would count that Guinea Pigs treatment as neglect. First of all - talk to your friend in a way that does not make her suspicious - don't ask things like *why don't you do this or that* or *why do you neglect your pets, it's illegal* e.t.c because that will just make her angry or aware that you reported her. Be conversational and say things like *Your Guinea Pig is so cute , when did you get him? How old is he?* e.t.c and see if she replies in an interested manner. if she doesn't, which is likely, say something like *Oh, don't you want him anymore?* and if she says no say something like *perhaps you should take him to the rescue centre then, there's always people looking to buy guinea pigs there* or even say *Oh well, I'd quite like him!* and see if she'll give him to you! Maybe she doesn't even know she's neglecting it and might want to change her ways? If she appears uninterested in the animal, but doesn't want to give it up, then you've tried you're hardest but now you'll have to get professional help. Whatever you do, don't tell your friend she's neglecting the pet or she may get angry with you and that'll cut off your chances to save him.

    If none of the above works, try to get some photos of the animal in the state he is in and ring the RSPCA on - 0300 1234 999- they will need your name and address but this is just for survey reasons and so that they can contact you back for more information if needs be. You can ask to remain anonymous to the people you are reporting. The RSPCA will usually send out a letter to the owners telling them they have received a call about neglect and that the owners have a certain amount of time to make amends. They will then send out an inspector at a random date to investigate the home and if the animal is being neglected, they will try to convince the owners to give it up. If they refuse then a police seizure might be called for and a court case set up - which don't worry, you don't have to be involved in.

    This Guinea pig needs you, so please don't give up on him. Try to get your friend to give up the Guinea in a nice way, but if it doesn't work call the RSPCA, or get your parents to talk to your friends parents about your worries.

    It is unlikely your friend will know it was you - you only think that because you know yourself! Even if she did find out, perhaps you have to ask yourself if you want to be friends with somebody who mistreats animals?

    Hope this helps!

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