
My friend is obsessed - with MY friends!?

by  |  earlier

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he came to visit me at school sometime this february, and met all of my friends. and then he went back... and a few days later i see he's made them his friends on facebook and commented on all their photos and asked for their msn..

then after the summer, i had played lets just say a prank on him

so he got back at me and wrote on my FRIEND (not crush)'s wall saying that i was madly in love with him and that i was too shy to ask him out

i mean ok so it was a joke

but i think he is getting a bit OTT with the whole i-know-your-friends-and-theyre-also-my-f...

im not jealous at all

but hes being really know-it-all-ish and its annoying

not to mention how he asks my dad what ive been up to and then he pretends he knows everything when he's talking to me...kind of like

what has (my name) been up to seen any movies gone out with any friends

and then on msn hes like so how was the movie


am i overreacting




  1. Talk to him about it. Tell him he's hurting your feelings and that you don't like the ways he's acting.

    From what I read here, it seems like he's paying more attention to your friends than you. Maybe he's making friends with your buddies to get closer to you? He probably thinks that by getting closer to your mates he's going to get closer to you.

    And maybe he's asking your dad about what you're doing so that you don't have to tell him what's going on, and he feels like he's really involved in your life.

    If seems to me like he has a crush on you. But the only way you'll know for sure is if you talk to him about it.


  2. no, its ****** annoying. just tell him. If THAT doesnt work, come back to yahoo answers and post another question on it

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