
My friend is on-line but he's not replying my messages even though I've already sent two ims.?

by  |  earlier

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This the first time I'm trying to contact my friend.




  1. he dont want to talk

  2. some people get online to actually accomplish something-not just IM-which can be a very annoying pop up. I'd say he either knows you were trying to talk to him-or he's too busy-either way IM anymore would be clingy.

  3. There are several situations. Some personal, depending on him and some technical issues, which aren't up to him. I'll talk about the technical ones:

    1) He is not replying because between you two is an incredibly biiiig lag

    2) His computer has crashed and Yahoo! still shows him as online.

    Those are the only 2 technical problems that could keep him from not replying to you.

    Good luck!

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