
My friend is planning on going to Albania to marry her Albanian boyfriend I am worried about her i need info

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My friend is planning on going to Albania to marry her Albanian boyfriend I am worried about her i need info




  1. Can the BF go to her country to marry her?

    Ah,I know, maybe he will after they marry and he is allowed to leave Albania and enter her country

  2. Worried about what? It's not like she's visiting a war zone, for God's sake. I've been to Albania, it's a beautiful country, the people were very kind and yes, some areas are more dangerous than others but I'm sure your friend knows where she's going to go. There are dangerous areas in almost every country, you just have to avoid them, you know.

    No need to worry, be happy for her!

  3. Well, I must say it is not a safe place.

    The crime rate is syrocketing and the offenses towards foreigners are numerous.

    Also, very important, never say you have anything to do with Serbia.

    MayB she should think about hiring a private protection service.

    Is there no other way? Does she really have to go to ALB?

  4. If she is in love with him and she feels safe around him, don't worry!

    Albania it's not soo bad country!

    Like every counry has it's minuses and pluses!

    Take care!

  5. Oh really, how horrible Albania is, right? I'm sure your friend is the only foreigner ever going there. To be honest, I think you should stop being jealous of your friend. I'm sure there are some cute but stupid boys waiting to get a girl like you! You can go to Rome and experience romantic moments in front of fontana di trevi like millions of others do! (Italy, safe safe!) (Ohhh don't let tens of j**s with cameras ruin the moment hon) *giggles foolishly* (Miss Brown, the perfect adventuress! Stunning. Jeez, an Albanian bf? Why couldn't she pick to fall in love with someone from a safer country?!)

  6. this is the Greek travel section    so...

  7. What KIND of info?

  8. Just what exactly are you worried about?  The fact that she's going to Albania or that she's marrying an Albanian?  It's her choice after all.  

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