
My friend is pregnant and i'm scared.....?

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ok, i'm thirteen. my friend is thirteen too, but there is one difference between us. she's pregnant. her "lover" is sixteen. she's not coming to school because she doesn't want anyone to see her like this. i don't know how far along she is or when the baby is due. i'm so scared for her. what should i do? i just wanna shake her and shout, "STOP DOING THIS!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA KILL YOURSELF!!!" i'm scared she's gonna die or someone is going to hurt her or her "lover" is going to hurt her. can someone help me not be so scared?




  1. Whoa c**p shes young... ok first of all adults need to know (if they dont already) they will keep her safe and tyou needent be scared and neither will she (as much anyway). She slipped up big time. Make sure adults know. They're the only ones who can help.

    Please help me with my question =];...

  2. HI, i know exactly how you feel.. the same thing happened with my friend when we were 14 (im now 15 so this isnt long ago). Try and make her see a doctor or to tell someone. Its really important that she does because otherwise it might be too late.  

  3. omg i dont know how to help you you just need to comfort her as much as you can

    but if you ever need to talk to someone please please please e-mail me   do not hesitate E-mail if you want to talk

  4. try not to worry to much i know that's easier said than done there is nothing you can do apart for be there for her can you talk to your mum about it maybe an older sister? I would say that since her partner is 16 and she is only 13 im guess your friends dad will kick his butt but your friend needs to tell someone coz its not going away  

  5. Is there a part of this story that i'm missing because i can't figure out what she could be doin to kill herself. she'll be alright...just be there for her and there are alot of free help & assistance out there to help her. Please have her talk to someone that knows what to do like a counselor or a doctor. She needs medical help and as much assistance she can get. Don't just sit there and be scared...HELP HER!!! She may get upset with you now but she will appreciate you in the long run.

  6. No one can help you not be scared. Your friend is a dumbass and if you are true friend you will tell her.

  7. Yes, your friend can.  Unfortunately she is not responsible enough to fix the situation and you will need adult help.

  8. yeah. dont talk to her anymore

  9. Take her to the docotr and that is very bad

  10. I think her "lover" should be slapped.

    Nobody has any business s******g around that badly with a 13 year old.  It's disgusting.

    I can't comfort you hun, I'm sorry.  This is as much of her fault as it is his and the way I see it she's going to have to deal with it.  I know you feel bad for her, and I'm sorry.

  11. dont worry, i dont think anyone is going to hurt her and don't panic just tell yourself nothing is going to happen to her!! please dont be scared.. i got pregnant by an 19 year old when i was 14 and nothin happened to me!

  12. Well your friend is stupid and you shouldn't associate with her. Tell her to think!

  13. just no that she in not gonna die, it's only pregnancy

  14. sweetheart just relax everything is gonna be just have to remember that its her decition and there is nuthin you can do to change her mind, but if you think she is in some kinda of danger you definitly talk to an adult... maybe a school consuler or sum1 you thrust... remeber all you can really do is be there for your friend and offer her you support!!!!

    good luck

  15. no we can't help you. your on your own.  

  16. I think you are too late. She's already pregnant.

  17. its not ur baby so chill out and tell her to be more carefull when she has s*x and that u care about her to much to keep seeing her do this to herself. hope i helped out ::)

  18. what does she need to stop doing? what is going to kill her? why would her "lover" hurt her?

  19. You are both 13!  And way too young to handle such things alone.  This is too great a burden to bear  at age 13.  FIRST, she needs to talk to her Parents.  Believe me, they will get involved eventually anyway.  And YOU as her friend really can't do anything.  

    My concern is why do you say " "STOP DOING THIS!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA KILL YOURSELF!!!"

    What is she doing to make you FEAR this pregnancy?   It is not YOUR responsibility to endure her pain, although I admire your effort to assist her.  

    The best thing you can do is let others know about this.  An anonymous letter to her Mother is what I would do.

  20. or go to your friends house and see hows shes doing. This is a very serious situation and action needs to be taken. Make sure your friend has asked an adult for help. She should be going to the Gino and taking pre-matel pills. Have your friend talk to the "lover" and sort things out. She might want to keep the baby or put it up for adoption that's her decision but tell her that she now has the responsibility for another life. She should make sure that whatever decision she makes the baby should be safe. You sound like a good friend and your friend is lucky to have you as a friend.

    Good Luck!

  21. So.. her parents know?? If she lives with them I would assume they see her and know what's going on. The best thing you can do as a friend is be there for her. Tell her how everything is giong to work out just fine. Tell her you know she's scared, but she has to take care of herself to give the little one the best opportunity to grow and be safe. If she does not want to keep the baby, there are many families who are unable to have children and could provide a wonderful, loving environment.

  22. Do her parents know? Encourage her to tell them. You can even go with her when she tells them. At 13 she really doesn't have any other choice BUT to tell them, and they can help her a LOT

    She's not going to die just because she's pregnant. If you mean she might kill herslef then you need to tell an adult RIGHT AWAY. And why do you think someone would hurt her? Just because she's pregnant? I don't understand that part, I don't see why anyone would want to hurt her.

    Just make sure to support her, make sure she's okay, and be a friend to her. Be strong for her, cuz heaven knows she's going to need a good, strong friend. You could be it.  

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